Hey everyone! It’s Hope here, and while I usually have Ron by my side, today I’m flying solo with some fantastic guests—Alexa, Campbell, and Teresa. We’re diving into a topic that’s super relevant for many of us: dating in 2024. Now, let me tell you, the dating landscape has changed so much since I was in my 20s! Back then, we didn’t have smartphones or dating apps. If you wanted to meet someone, you were probably relying on friends, family, or maybe a chance encounter at a local diner. Ah, the nostalgia!

I’m almost 56, and it’s wild to think about how different things are for my kids who are navigating their own relationships. Take my son Chaz, for instance—he’s 28 and dating, and while he’s found someone special, it wasn’t without its challenges. Just like the rest of us, he had to deal with the ups and downs of modern dating, especially in a place like California where options can feel endless.

It’s funny to think about how nobody wants to be alone. God has put that desire in us to connect with others. But let’s not sugarcoat it—dating, especially Christian dating, comes with its own set of struggles. It’s like you want to please God, follow His principles, and still find someone to share your life with. It’s a balancing act!

Now, I’ve been married for a while, but I still remember some of the crazy dating stories from my past. I mean, we’ve all had our fair share of awkward moments, right? I could write a book! But I’m glad to say that I hit the jackpot with Ron, my Golden Goose. Some of my guests shared their own experiences, too. Alexa had a stalkerish ex who just couldn’t take a hint—talk about uncomfortable! And Teresa, bless her heart, jumped into the dating scene recently and found it to be a mix of wild and disappointing.

One thing that struck me was how dating apps have changed the game. While some people have found genuine connections, many are just looking for quick flings. It’s like a buffet of options, and that can lead to a lack of satisfaction—always wondering if there’s someone better out there. It’s hard to settle down when you feel like the next swipe could bring you something more exciting.

We also touched on the importance of finding a partner who shares your values, especially when it comes to faith. Teresa had her own list of qualities she was looking for in a partner, and I think that’s so crucial. Having shared beliefs can make all the difference when navigating the complexities of a relationship.

And let’s not forget about the ick factor! You know what I mean—when you’re attracted to someone, but then they do something that just grossed you out. We all laughed about our past experiences, and it’s a reminder that physical attraction does matter, but it’s not everything.

At the end of the day, relationships are about more than just looks or initial attraction. It’s about compatibility, communication, and growing together through life’s ups and downs. As Teresa beautifully said, even when you find “the one,” it doesn’t mean everything is perfect. You have to work through the challenges together.

So, to all my single friends out there—don’t lose hope. God has someone special for you, even if you’ve made mistakes in the past. Focus on building your relationship with Him, and trust that He’ll guide you to the right person at the right time.

Thanks for joining me today! I hope this chat encourages you in your own dating journey. Until next time, this is Hope from Ron and Hope Unfiltered—real, raw, and relevant.