This week Pastor Ron kicked off our new Series, WORDS. The passage he opens with, and the theme for the series, emphasizes the significance of words, starting with John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This highlights that words are not only powerful but foundational to all creation, as everything that exists came from the Word of God.
Words have creative and transformative power. The Bible underscores their weight, stating that every idle word will be judged and that the tongue holds the power of life and death. Words can destroy or restore relationships and even set the course of nature. This responsibility calls for mindfulness about how we use our words, as they shape our lives and the world around us.
John 1:1-5
John 1:14
Psalm 8:1-9
Romans 8:18-22 Psalm 4:2
1 Corinthians 7:1-5
1 Corinthians 11:7
1. God has things in the earth that he uses to help us identify who He is. For example, Pastor explained God likens himself to a Lion (of Judah); When you praise, God becomes the roar of the lion, rebuking your enemies and extending His protection over your life. Praise isn’t just about music; it’s a spiritual act that invites God’s presence and power into your circumstances. Through your worship, He declares, “I am God.”
– What other ways does God use imagery and language to show us WHO He is?
– What did Pastor mean when He showed us God as a king, and how we should interpret the words spoken by a ‘king’ aka The Law.
2. If God is a King who brings the Kingdom, we have to rid our minds of the Christian faith being a religion. Christianity is not just a religion focused on outward behavior. Unlike religions that rely on rules to change conduct, Christianity transforms a person from the inside through a relationship with God, addressing the heart and spirit.
– What does it mean to have our spirit awakened? To be brought into your original self, alive in God?
– Do you look at your faith through the lens of religion or of relationship? How and why?
3. Psalm 8 describes the excellence of His name in the earth. Glory is the essence of who the King is. When we praise and worship God, even those unfamiliar with Jesus should sense His presence through the atmosphere we create. Our worship, giving, and passion should make His name great, reflecting His essence.
– How do we set our lives to represent the essence (show the glory) of who our king is? What does that look like for you personally? Share.
– How do you feel about verse 5 and the weight of “Elohim” Pastor Ron describes? Does this change how you view yourself and the ‘glory’ for which you are responsible?
4. God is in Ownership: Psalm 24 says “the earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” But God delegated the authority to govern it to Adam. According to Psalm 8, God is not in control.
– Read Romans 8:14. Who are the sons of God?
– Now Read Romans 8:18-19: We live in a broken world but where is hope restored? What is our responsibility as sons of God, to that hope and glory?
There was God, His Word, and creation… governed into futility by Adam. But God is trying to birth a people that walk in such glory that when they speak the earth responds to their WORDs.
Remind and Encourage your group:
– The power to correct your world is in your mouth
– Your words can change the course that you’re on If you understand who you are. what you have, and how to use it
Challenge Your Group:
– Are you living life as a son of God; that SPEAKS peace, joy, health, and strength?
– Do people around you understand the Essence of our King by who you are and the atmosphere you set?
– If your spirit is awakened and His glory is shown through you, how can you focus now on where to speak- and which words?