Pastor Ron has been going through God’s principles for a real turnaround (180) in our life. During this sermon, we heard from Pastor Duaine, pastor on staff at Redemption. We learned what it means to be a “Turn-Around Agent”. We’re getting a 180 so that we can help others come through their own places of need. It’s our job to know the Word, come through the process, and use what the Holy Spirit gave us! We know to speak the name of JESUS –with faith- over our circumstances.

God has His part, but we have ours. He will only ask us to use what He already provided. If it’s not in our hand, it’s in our reach. Let’s dive in to find what that means!


Genesis 41:8-14

Acts 3:1-7

Genesis 37:1

Genesis 39:6-12

Proverbs 11:3

Proverbs 16:32

Proverbs 19:1


We are being perfected through a process for a purpose and a promise- the full manifestation of a dream. Let’s talk about it…

The promise has 2 pieces: God has a part, and so do we!

What part of your process did Jesus leave ‘undone’ for YOU to do?

Peter and John met a lame man at a temple gate, Peter says to him “In the name of Jesus rise up and walk…” We operate (agents of turn-around) by faith in the Name of Jesus

…and took him by the hand” because that is what the man had at the time. (Acts 3:1-7)

God only asks us to use what WE have – in our hand or in our reach.

Personal Anointing creates a personal turn-around but Corporate Anointing can turn around BIG things: “I got what I got but WE GOT what WE GOT”

God joins us with others; each of us needs to acknowledge and ‘work’ our gifts (know what you have and how to use it)

Live with a Biblical Perspective; requires anointing in you to understand the Bible

Have a Heavenly Perspective; Summon the Kingdom in all you do. (Matt. 6:9-13)


Your turn-around may be based on your willingness to refuse something… (Genesis 39:6-12). Joseph was anchored by his integrity. He was caught… but he still REFUSED and then he RAN.

Remind your group:

There are some things that are not worth your attention or affection.

You need accountability (Joseph was alone when he was caught)

Often when you are about to make your greatest transition, you are snagged back into a deceptive cycle – Run from THAT to run into the next thing.

Encourage Your Group:

You may not be where you want to be, but God can use you while you are there. (Joseph in prison)

You may feel forgotten, but keep ‘working’ your gifts and dreams, because there will be a time you will be called out by someone else who needs what you have protected and perfected.

Eventually the dream gets bigger than the prison.

Challenge Your Group:

Joseph did 2 things when being called from prison: he changed his garments and shaved his face. In this transition, he took responsibility for the change.

Walk out of your past (pain, prison, pitiful) and change your clothes (image of where you came from)

Take off anxiety, worry, fear, the OLD things- SHAVE off the prison and walk into grace.