~ Open in Prayer ~

• What’s something you’re proud of?
• Do you have a favorite board game?

Message Review
Knowing how to speak the word of God is important. Angels “go” at your words. You need to know the bible and word of God for yourself. There aren’t a lot of churches that are working in the realm of healing and miracles, so you’re going to have know the word of God for yourself and use it to speak life. There’s power in your words.
Let’s dig in more…

Read Matthew 12:36-37 | Luke 21:33
Everyone wants to create change in their life. You try to change the things around you not realizing that the power of change is in the words you speak, not necessarily in the things you do. You can restore or destroy something just by learning what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. You have to let God use your tongue as an instrument to put something in the atmosphere that can change your world. Jesus said that by every idle word you will be judged, that’s why you have to avoid just “jabbering.” We have to understand that when words are Spirit they are eternal; they do not occupy time, space or matter. Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away but His word will remain. His word is eternal and unchanging. That’s why you can say something in one moment and deal with the results of it for the next 8 years. You said something eternal out of a temporary emotion. You said something unchanging when your emotions are going to change. So we cannot let our emotions or our situation or what we’re going through dictate what we say or make us say things that we don’t mean, because once you put it out in the atmosphere it has power. You will live in your words. Are you measured with your words or do you need to grow in this area? Do you have a testimony of how your words changed your situation for better or for worse?

Read Luke 6:45 | Proverbs 4:23
The words you put in you are usually the words that are coming out of you. What goes in usually comes out, for from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Your heart is the reservoir from which your words flow, that’s why the bible says to guard your heart with all diligence because out of your heart come the issues of life. So if you’re wondering why you have bitterness in your relationships it’s because bitterness got in you, and whatever you let get in you’ll create around you after a certain amount of time. If someone has drama in them and you put them in a room, they will create drama. The devil did not create your issues, your heart did. What have you let get in you? Think about your daily living – what are you putting in? How is it affecting what’s currently happening around you?

Something can be in your heart and be dormant but when you speak it you give life to it. The hardest thing to do is to not speak what is but speak to what God wants even when what God wants is 180 degrees from your reality at that moment. It is hard to say when you’re in pain “I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” It looks foolish, but it’s when you don’t have it that you must be the strongest in your confession, because your words can create the world you want. In the beginning God spoke what he wanted (“let there be light”) not what was (“darkness”); He didn’t complain about how dark it was. If you can quit speaking what is and speak what God wants, then what is will become what God wants in a matter of time. Is it hard for you to speak what you/God wants when things are aren’t going well? How can you avoid speaking negative thoughts that may be dormant?

Read Genesis 1:11, 20-22, 24, 26-27
The first principle of creation is that God used words. “And God said…” is used over and over in Genesis 1
– He used His words to create what He wanted. When God wants something He speaks to what holds it and what holds it brings forth what He wants. “Let the earth bring forth…” – all the vegetables were already in the earth. He spoke to the earth and it brought forth what was already inside of it. He didn’t go through a list of all the vegetables; He spoke to the earth to release what He had already put in it. “Let the waters bring forth…” “Let the heavens bring forth…” God speaks to what holds it and what holds it produces what He wants. “Let us make man in our image…” We were God’s potential; we were inside of Him. Everything was already planned and present. God’s words activated it to come forth into existence. So to create you have to speak and then when you speak God will let whatever is holding it turn it loose. What are some things you need to speak into existence?

Read John 4:24 | Read John 15:1-7
You always know where something comes from because when it dies it goes back to it. When something detaches from what it was created from it dies. When God made a body he reached into the dust of the earth, so when we die we go back to the earth. Your body came from the earth but your spirit came from God so when you die your spirit goes back to God and your body goes back to the dirt. You cannot worship God unless you are a spirit. Anything can praise; everything that has breath can praise God, but in order to worship you have to be born of the spirit. Only spirit can worship spirit. Whatever God creates must stay within its environment to be sustained. If you pull the grass blade out the ground it will turn brown and fade. If you take the fish out of water it will perish because it has been removed from the environment from which it was created. If we take ourselves away from God we will wither and die because we must stay connected to that from which we came in order to live. What are some ways you can ensure you stay connected to your source (God)?

Scripture References
Matthew 12:36-37
Luke 21:33
Read Luke 6:45
Proverbs 4:23
Genesis 1:11
Genesis 1:20-22
Genesis 1:24
Genesis 1:26-27
John 4:24
John 15:1-7

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that each member use their words to speak what God wants into existence.