~Open in Prayer~

• If you could have a superpower what would it be?
• What would be your dream vacation?

Message Review
Everyone loves a good miracle, but can we endure a process? Sometimes God wants to take us on a journey to show His faithfulness; to teach us perseverance; to help us grow. The process develops deficiency; He wants to make you better. So He’ll give you a seed and you’ll have to be patient through the growing process until what’s in the seed comes to full maturation. During this growing process your job is to ensure the soil in which the seed is in – your heart – stays rich and healthy because in due time you will reap a harvest.

The working of a miracle is when you ask God for an end result and he drops you a seed. The word is the seed and the seed has to go through a process to grow and to become what it’s already intended to be. How big the potential of the seed will determine the length of the process (i.e. wanting a promotion versus becoming a billionaire; oak tree versus tomato plant). When God takes you through a process it’s not that He has denied you your miracle it’s that He knows something about you that you don’t know and when you come out of your miracle you will better because of the process that God took you through. God knows when you need the immediate miracle and when you need the working of miracles.
Let’s dig in more…

Read Mark 4:1-20
The Kingdom only comes to the seekers not the casual; it doesn’t go to the taker it goes to the giver. Those who don’t seek won’t understand the word (seed) and the word (seed) therefore won’t take root. The condition of the soil will determine whether or not the seed multiplies. The environment in which the seed is placed will determine its success. There is nothing wrong with the seed; the seed is perfect, but the condition of your heart which is the soil for the word (seed) is the problem. Proverbs 4:23 says to guard your heart. The devil doesn’t create your issues, your heart does. Your heart is the soil of your life and the soil’s job is to multiply, so whatever you drop into it will multiply – pornography, bitterness, anger, drama, etc. Your heart is designed to be the soil for whatever you let in your life, that’s why you have to guard your heart with all diligence. You guard your heart at the gate (mouth, ear, eye) – watch what you say because in it is the power of life and death; watch what you hear because what you hear you become; watch what you see because the eye is the lamp of the body and whatever the eye is full of the body is full of. You have to guard your gates to guard your garden. What’s the condition of your heart? In what ways do you need to do a better job at guarding your heart?

We all love “suddenlys” but some stuff just takes a process. God will get you to the same place but sometimes it’s immediately and sometimes it’s a journey. God is doing more for you in the process than the actual answer that you seek. It’s not about just getting what you ask for but taking you through a development process so you don’t end up vulnerable in that same area ever again. If you pray for an oak tree and God gives you an acorn, He answered your prayer because the oak tree is in the acorn; the peach orchard is inside the peach seed. But no one prays for seed…they pray for the end result. However, when God wants to work a miracle you bring Him your need and He hands you a seed and what you want is in the seed. If you ask God to heal you and He gives you two scriptures He just answered your prayer because His word is seed.

So the best thing you can do is pray and then get in the word and let God give you a seed on it. You have to let God talk back through His word because if His word abides in you, you can ask whatever you will and it shall be done for you. God is saying don’t come before Him asking without a word already on it because the reason you can ask whatever and it be done is because if you have His word on it you have everything you need for the miracle because the miracle is in the word. The miracle is in the seed, the fruit is in the seed and when you get the seed in your heart your heart is going to push it out. What process has God taken you through? Do you find “process” frustrating? What seeds has He given you that you need to be patient with?

Read Mark 4:35-40
The seed will do what God has sent it to do; all it has to do is hit the right place. Seed has to get in soil and when the seed gets in the soil the miracles happen all by itself. Your job is not to create the miracle, your job is to make sure the seed gets into the soil. Your faith is no good unless you can work it everywhere because it’s easy to work it in here but can you work out there. The word was sown (let us go to the other side) but between manifestation satan comes to steal it (the storm). If the disciples believed the word then why were they afraid since Jesus already said they were going to the other side? Just because there is a storm it can’t stop the word. Jesus is not worried about the power of the storm because the power of the storm cannot override the power of the word. If God spoke He has already finished it; the word doesn’t ever return void. Heaven and earth will pass away but the word of God will stand. A storm shouldn’t surprise you because the enemy will try to come to steal the word that you heard from your heart so that you doubt and become afraid, but the storm is just a part of the process. He didn’t say how they were going to get there, He just said we’re going to the other side. God is the God of “how”; if He told you something just believe it. You don’t have to figure Him out because He’s already figured it out. Can you think of a time God gave you a word and the enemy came to immediately steal it?

Scripture References
Genesis 1:3
Genesis 1:6
Genesis 1:9
Genesis 1:11
Genesis 1:14
Genesis 1:20
Genesis 1:24
John 15:1-9
John 4:24-26
John 19:25-28
Numbers 6:22-27
Genesis 1:28

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that each member endures whatever process God is taking them through knowing that when it’s complete they will be so much better on the other side.