Hey everyone, it’s Ron, and today I just want to take a moment to share my heart and some insights on dealing with pain. First off, I appreciate every single one of you tuning in. I know life can feel overwhelming sometimes, especially recently for me, and I want to be as real and raw with you as I can.

So, let’s dive in. Life has thrown some curveballs my way lately, and honestly, it’s been a challenge. My mama had a serious bout with heart failure, and I can’t even begin to express how stressful it was, not only for her but for my dad and me as well. For weeks, we were on an emotional rollercoaster while I drove him to the hospital, sat with him in waiting rooms, and tried to hold it together. But what really hit me is that we made the tough decision to move my parents to assisted living. Talk about a gut-wrenching choice, right? It’s something no kid ever wants to do, and it’s hard for my dad to accept that he’s losing his independence. That’s not a fun conversation to have, let me tell you!

But you know what? That’s life. Sometimes we face situations that leave us feeling frustrated, hurt, and even angry. And I think that’s something we need to talk about. How do we unpack that pain? It’s a topic that’s dear to my heart, especially now.

I’ve learned a few things along the way about dealing with hurt. First off, it’s okay to feel your pain. Acknowledging your emotions doesn’t mean you’re weak or that you’re failing—it means you’re human! When life throws you a curve, it’s perfectly normal to feel angry, sad, or even lost. But here’s the kicker: we can’t let those feelings drive our decisions. If we do, we might find ourselves stuck in a pit of despair, unable to move forward.

And one of the best ways to pull yourself out of that pit is to give your mind something else to focus on. I often say that dreaming about the future has the incredible power to lift you up from the heaviness of the moment. When Hope and I had tough times, we found healing in dreaming again, envisioning what our future could look like together. We started asking ourselves questions like, “What do we want our marriage to be like? What adventures do we want to embark upon together?” That simple shift in focus helped us reconnect and rebuild, as tough as the road was.

I also want to emphasize the importance of having a safe space to vent those feelings. It’s crucial to talk it out, but you have to know who you’re talking to. Not everyone deserves the weight of your pain. Share your struggles with those who love you and can hold that information with grace and understanding.

At the end of the day, I’ve learned that turning to God is my go-to response in times of hurt. When my heart is heavy, I pour it all out to Him. I’ve spent countless late nights in prayer, especially during those tough times I mentioned earlier. God takes my references and my complaints, and despite my frustrations, He brings me peace. It’s incredible how clarity arrives when I leave my burdens at His feet.

So, as I wrap up, just remember that it’s okay to feel pain, but don’t let it dictate your life. Learn from it, channel it, and let it transform you. If you’re in a tough spot, try dreaming again. Reach out to someone safe, and above all, cling to your faith. You have the power to rise above it, even when it feels impossible.

Thanks for hanging out with me today. Until next time, stay strong, folks!