~Open in prayer~

• What does your ideal day look like?
• What is your favorite bible verse?
• What has been the best day of your life so far?

The message states that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are integrated into one. You will find that they will never contradict one another. This is the model that God uses to show us how He wants us and the three parts in us (spirit, soul and body) to also be integrated. When we are saved and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior our spirit became perfect, but the soul and body remained the same. When we do not submit our soul and body to our spirit, we then open ourselves to self-sabotage behavior as we allow our fleshly desires to rule. If you have something that keeps dragging you down, humble yourself and submit it to God. Place it under the dominion of your spirit and let your spirit man integrate his desires and God will turn around and lift you back up.


Read James 4:1-2 One may think that strife comes from the devil or from other people, but the bible says, “trouble comes from the passions that are in you that are unholy. ” The Bible says, “quarrels and strife always come from the same root = hedonism.” The hedonistic “want to” will sell everything to please that fleshly desire. Discuss the question that Pastor Ron asked, “What is in you, that is keeping you from being the best you that God intended for you to be?”

Read James 4:3-4 James states that if we ask and do not receive it, our motives are corrupt, and our desires are selfish. God can see that these desires and requests come from the wrong place. This could open the door to self-sabotage behavior if we don’t ask the question, “why?” Discuss one thing that you are believing for and have been praying for, then share the “why?” Is this request coming from your spirit, or is it from a selfish desire?

Read Romans 7:14-24 Paul is very transparent when he shares the struggles he has. He states, “in his flesh, nothing good dwells.” Paul’s godly passions and the things he ends up doing are in conflict with one another. Paul shares that if he is trying to do good and continues to sin, it is hindering him from being who he really is. When reading Paul’s experience, what is highlighted to you that you need to submit to God? Share a recent struggle and pray as a group for one another.

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports.
Pray for one another that the Holy Spirit will reveal in your quiet time the things you may still need to submit to God.