~Open in prayer~

•What’s the worst job you ever had?
•What state were you born in?
•What was one favorite childhood game you played?

After the year we just came out of, we can say it was a difficult time. Many of us experienced some kind of pressure that afflicted us. Even though this was true in many of our lives, the excellence of God’s glory is still able to shine in us and through us. Seasonal afflictions cause eternal changes in our lives. Faith rises when we hear the word and meditate on the promises of God. We must stay alert to what we allow ourselves to be influenced by. Our spirit cannot be immersed in negativity because whoever has our ear has our future.


Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-9. The Bible says that even though we may be “perplexed and persecuted” this is an opportunity for the power of God to show up in our lives. What are some of the difficult things you went through this past year or are still going through? Have you seen how the pressing of this situation produced an opportunity to see God move in your life?

Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 The Lord urges us in this passage to not “lose heart” while under trials. God wants us to focus on what is in us and not what is happening around us, especially during this time of unrest and uncertainty. How can we as the church shine during these dark times? Give an example of what we can do in our lives daily to ensure that we do not grow weary or “lose heart.”

•Who has your ear? What are you infusing into the wells of your life? Pastor Ron reminded us that if we spend hours on social media witnessing negativity every day but only spend 30 minutes in the word our will will become toxic. We must protect our spirit and what we allow in our minds and hearts. Ask yourself: what is something you allow that could infect your life in a negative way? What are some of the things you do to protect yourself now?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. This week pray for one another to remember that we are the “salt & light” of the earth. Pray that we focus on the things of God and protect our hearts, minds and spirits from the negativity that is swirling around in this world. Encourage one another with prayer, speak life over one another and remember to meditate on God’s word.