~Open in prayer~

•What is your favorite gadget?
•What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
•What was your favorite song in high school?

God has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. If we can have faith for those things it means, it’s already there. The bible says the Lord predestined us before the foundations of the earth. He chose us according (in harmony) to His good will. It brings the Lord pleasure to bless you and use you in the way He predetermined. If God has called you to do something, you do not need to seek permission or approval from man. God will take the picture of what your life is supposed to look like. He will then take that picture and show it for all to see. If anything comes into your life that is not part of your “picture” the battle is the Lord’s. The Lord’s intention is to use your life as an example to show the powers of darkness HIS power and receive the victory.


Read Ephesians 1:3-5. The bible says every spiritual blessing has already been lavished upon us. What has been your greatest blessing this year? How can you help others keep the faith while they are waiting for their blessing?

Read Ephesians 3:8-10. The Lord wants to use our lives as an example to show His power to the world and the powers of darkness. God will protect the “original intent” of your life and will remove anything that defeats the purpose in your destiny when you live according to His will. Give examples when God used your life to show His power? Share an example when he removed something out of your life or introduced something new.

•The people that inherit the promises of God have faith and patience. What is something you are believing for and has been a long time waiting? What is something you do to renew your faith regarding this?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. This week pray for one another to remain strong in faith on the promises of God. Share scriptures that you are standing on with the group so that you can encourage one another.