~Open in prayer~

•What is your favorite item you bought this year?
•If you were a superhero what powers would you have?
•What was your favorite game as a child?

Life is a race and it’s not always pleasurable, but it is to be endured. To endure all that comes to us we have to be prepared for the long haul. And as we prepare, we need to notice the cyclical sins that will try to keep us in bondage. When we can pinpoint the things that are keeping us down we can also enforce the power and authority of the spirit inside of us. God will never let what we’re going through be greater than the power and authority within us. Instead of trying to beat the enemy with your flesh, square up your shoulders, plant your feet and use the power inside you!


Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. Are you a good test taker? If not, what makes you nervous or gives you anxiety about tests?

Have you ever gone through something alone because you thought no one else could understand? What did you learn about trying to fix the situation by yourself?

•God has given you power and authority over your sin. Your temptation will never be greater than your power and authority. What is your greatest strength? How can you use that when temptation is in front of you?

Read Psalm 32:1-5. In the passage, what was physically happening to David when he didn’t tell God about his sin? What does freedom feel like when you give your burdens to God?

Ask your group if they have any prayer requests. This week, pray for those who are trying to fix their sin alone. Pray that God reveals the people around them that can help them conquer the enemy.