~Open in prayer~

• What is the strangest gift you have ever received?
•If you could travel anywhere in the world right now where would that be?
•What food would you indulge in if there were no calories in it?

Sometimes we allow church culture and tradition to steal God’s power. Miracles are done when human options are no longer available. God will sometimes allow things to completely seem like there is no life, but the glory of God will be revealed.


Read John 11: 1-4. Miracles happen from relationship with God. How would you categorize your relationship with God? Do you pray to him in the good times as well as the bad times?

•There is relief in “letting go”. Release is powerful because as long as you still hang on to your problem you are not allowing God to solve it. Is there something you are holding on to that you need to release? What is stopping you from releasing it?

Read John 11:14-44. Sometimes God let’s something deteriorate on purpose. The very reason you need a miracle is because you need something only God could do that you could not do yourself. Can you let go and put your problems in God’s hands? How can you practically get out of God’s way to live out your faith in miracles?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. This week pray for people that are believing for miracles. Pray for an increase of faith over your life group.