~Open in prayer~

• What’s the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
• Have you ever met anyone famous?
• What’s your best travel story?

The Lord said whatever the economy method, the tithe is a tenth of it, and it belongs to Him. If we keep this obedience, then we are under God’s blessing. This is called the “Law of divine portion.” You will be blessed coming in and going out, blessed in the city and the country. The blessing is not something God does; it is a tangible thing. This key is powerful, and the Lord even tells us to test Him in this. The enemy is always prowling to steal our blessings. The Lord’s instruction is a clear path to protect our seeds and ensure the harvest that He has promised His children.


•Read Mark 4:3-9 The scripture speaks of the parable of the farmer scattering seeds. There are 4 different kinds of responses. Jesus was speaking of the condition of people’s hearts when they receive the word of God. The first one, the word of God, is stolen immediately from Satan as soon as it falls on the ground. The second one, the seeds did not take root, and as Pastor spoke, the person would love you on Sunday, but they are no longer there a month from now. The third the seed fell among the thorns, and they drowned out the young seed, so they could not produce a good harvest. But the last fell on good soil and continued to produce a good harvest because it was planted with 30, 60, 100-fold return. How can we make sure our seed falls on good soil so that we can produce a good harvest? Why is it important for us to be “planted”?

•Read Mark 4:21-23 Jesus spoke about the parable of the lamp. He said that no one lights a lamp, only to place it under the basket or the bed. It is meant to be placed on a lampstand. For that, nothing is hidden that won’t be brought into the light. God’s word is a lamp to our feet. The Lord does not want us to give out of emotion but from the heart so we can live under the blessing that the discipline of giving provides. Why is our heart posture important to God when we give? Satan is allowed to traffic in darkness, so why is it important for all to be brought to the light?

•Read Malachi 3:10-11 Pastor Ron discussed the difference between the tithe and offering. The bible says that if we bring the tithe into the storehouse so that there is food in His house, He will open the windows of heaven and pour blessings. If we give an offering without tithing, the enemy will come and devour it. When we tithe, the Lord will rebuke the devourer for our sake. What happens if we only give an offering without paying our tithes? How can we ensure that we are protected from the “devourer”?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Discuss as a group if everyone understands this key of tithing and how it can be used or has been used in their lives.