~Open in prayer~

• What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics?
• If you could play any instrument, which would it be?
• What is a secret talent you have?

3 John 1:2 speaks for us to “be in health and prosper.” John spoke that you cannot prosper in anything until you have prospered in your soul (mind, will and emotions). Sometimes we may speak about resources or financial increase as a blessing, but the truth is that things must first happen in you before it can change for you. God is a good God and he named Himself, Jireh (Provider) and El Shaddai (The God of more than enough) which represent His characteristics. If these are some of His names, why would He not prosper His children. The blessing from God can change your entire life.


•Read Genesis 1:26-28 These scriptures speak of the “Dominion Mandate” (Genesis 1:28) that God gave to Adam. God’s first instruction to Adam was to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion. What do you think this mandate means for your life today? How can you operate in this same blessing?

•Read Luke 16:11 Jesus speaks of the protocol that God has regarding the natural and the spiritual. The way you handle your economy is the test for things like power, anointing, authority and most importantly His presence. Discuss as a group this key that Jesus is speaking of. How can we be trusted with the eternal treasures of the spiritual world?

•Read Genesis 3:17 In this passage God did not curse Adam because He had already blessed him. When Adam listened to another (Satan) before God he caused the curse to fall on him. From the scripture, we are already blessed by God. What are things that we may do to change that? Why is it important to “bless” your enemies?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Remember to speak blessings over all who are in your group, family, and life connections. Share the impact this has made in your life.