~Open in prayer~

• Do you have a set daily devotional time?
• What is a fun fact about you?
• Which do you prefer? Workout in the gym or walk in the park?

It has been almost two years since the Coronavirus invaded our lives. We have conditions that surround us that may blind us to our positions. With the increase of this virus and it is lingering for an increasing amount of time, it seems to advance, and faith has taken a backseat. We hear fear and doubt and the eyes of our faith has gone dim. God can do great things in bad times. Man’s difficulties become God’s opportunities. It can be difficult to meet as an assembly when you keep hearing reports of the number of cases rising. Even in this time we just had the greatest harvest of souls than we have ever had and helped more people than we ever had. God took this opportunity to use Redemption like He has never used us before! We need a move of faith and a steady diet of the Word of God. We will dig in about faith for the next few weeks to kickstart the faith of people. The new variant springing forth is an outbreak of FAITH!


•Read John 17:14-18 – Jesus prayed for the disciples. He shared that He gave them God’s word and the world hated them for it. He stated they are not of the world just as He is not of the world. He asked God to protect them from the evil one and to sanctify them by God’s truth. As God sent Jesus to the world, Jesus sent them to the world. He asked do not take them out of the world, but they should be different enough to change their environment. Why was it important that the disciples were different from the world? Why was it important that they stayed in the world?

•Read 1 John 2:13-17 In this scripture God defines “world” and says it originates in one of three places: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. These are not of the Father and the world is passing away and the lust of it: but he who does the will of God abides forever. In this passage God is bringing us to a place of examining “origin”, to look at where our desires come from. We can no longer living out of what we see and feel and making bad decisions out of temporary emotions. We can no longer let pride, ego and flesh rule the day. Have you made any recent decisions that you might have to go back and reexamine the “origin” of your plans? Do you understand the three wells that God speaks of when he describes “the world”?

•Read Hebrews 4:15 – The bible says we have a High Priest who was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Jesus felt what we feel firsthand and understood our struggles and pain.

•Read John 16:33 – Jesus speaks to the disciples before His departure. He tells them “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” This reminds us that what we cannot do for ourselves, Jesus can do for us. He has overcome the world.

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray a heart check over individually. Ask the Holy Spirit to examine your heart and any recent life decisions. Look at the “origin” of these things.