Hey everybody, it’s Ron here and I just had the most engaging conversation with Dr. Sam Chan. We dove deep into the importance of restructuring systems and structures within organizations, whether they be in the church or in the marketplace. Dr. Chan brought up some key points about the need for outside voices to help guide us when we’re unable to see the flaws in our own systems. He mentioned the importance of asking ourselves tough questions like “Where are we?” and “Where do we want to go?” before taking action.

I couldn’t help but relate to Dr. Chan’s insights. As someone who has been in ministry for over 30 years, I’ve often found myself sensing when things aren’t going well before anyone else does. The challenge lies in having the courage to make changes even when they’re uncomfortable.

Dr. Chan graciously offered a free resource for all of our listeners – a journal filled with leadership content for the next six months. You can access it at Avail journal.com. He also highlighted the importance of learning to say “no” as we grow older, rather than constantly saying “yes” to everything.

I have to say, this conversation with Dr. Chan has been incredibly eye-opening and I’m grateful for his wisdom and insight. I encourage you to take advantage of the resources he’s shared and to start asking yourself those tough questions about where you are and where you want to go. Restructuring may be scary, but the potential for growth and success is huge.

As always, thank you for tuning in and listening. We appreciate you and hope that you continue to seek growth and improvement in all aspects of your life. Stay blessed and keep moving forward.