~Open in prayer~

• If you had to eat the same thing every day, what would it be?
• Share a food that you dislike.
• Why were the topics from this sermon series so important to learn?

Message Review
Oftentimes in the church we see that there are not many deep, spiritual, and heavy topics discussed from the pulpit. Which is disappointing because they are topics that many people are severely struggling with. It is sad to say that there are not many resources out there. The existing resources found on the internet are twenty to thirty years old. I do not understand why because this is a generation that is more opened to the things of the spirit, maybe even more than the generation before it. So, I have decided to talk about the struggles we face in three facets one more time. The facets that are going to be discussed are generational curses, the yolk, and strongholds.
Generational curses are curses that come through the bloodline, they are the battle of a family. My father’s family was so dysfunctional and had alcohol problems. I’m not even sure how my dad came out with his head on straight, but it didn’t touch me because my dad broke the curse. The curse of alcohol broke and stopped with him. There are generational illnesses, dilemmas, additions, and perversions; these are things in our bloodline that we never asked for. Generational curses are nature, things that we can’t control. Then we move onto nurture, those are things that happen to us, and they create cycles. These are called yolks and they are things that we can’t help. The Bible says that the anointing will destroy the yolk and move the burden. The imagery of this is was of how they would yolk an ox. An ox was used to plow fields because they are a mighty beast. Humans knew that they could not control the power of an ox so they would yolk it’s neck early on. They did this because they knew when an ox got older that all it would know was the yolk. The ox obeys the yolk no matter how strong it may actually be. Just with us there are things that the enemy wanted to happen early to us early. Things like rape or abuse happen to us when we’re young and we grow up with the same issues. Why? Because some of these issues were put inside of us when we were young, and they were not supposed to be placed there. So, the Bible says that the anointing will destroy the burden. You can and will be redeemed.
If comfortable, share a generational curse that God redeemed you from.

The first and second realm of bondage is generational curses and yolks which can be broken in an instant. When you become saved you are instantaneously born again of water and spirit. But nothing happens to your mind. If you don’t renew your mind, nothing will change your in life; even though you just accepted Jesus. The next phase in your mind is an instantaneous thing, it is a process of renewal. It’s something that you have to be committed to for change to come. That leads us to the third realm of bondage, strongholds which can’t be broken in an instant.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal which means fleshy, physical, or natural. We are not fighting with physical tools or enemies. Our warfare is mighty in God for the pulling down of a stronghold. Strongholds are casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
A stronghold is not in the sky or city, it is when you have believed a lie to be true. A stronghold is fortress of fault. Doors give demons an entrance and strongholds give them protection. Doors open up good and evil. Doors can be shut immediately through repentance and by making wise decisions. But strongholds can’t be shut through repentance or torn down immediately.

Strongholds are what protect evil and keep them in the way of our path. Strongholds have a legitimate hold on us and keeps us away from what God has for us. There are two problems with strongholds they do not let new information get in and it holds you captive and doesn’t let you out. Doors have to do with behavior while strongholds have to do with thoughts. Doors have to do with giving permission and strongholds give protection.

What are some things that you believe open doors to evil and create strongholds?

Matthew 12:43-45
The enemy uses strongholds for protection. The enemy does not have the power to make you do anything. The enemy only has the power to lie. Jesus named him the father of lies. Jesus is the way, truth, and the life. Which is a forever promise on all three sides. The enemy will use a fact to get you to believe a lie because we misrepresent the difference between facts and truth. The Word is truth and our life has a set of facts. You will never see a private give me a five-star general an order, because the lesser authority always yields to greater authority. Lesser authority yields to greater authority that’s why you cast out demons in Jesus’ name. Because His name is above every name, that is the name of Jesus in Philippians two every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess on earth and in heaven that Jesus Christ is Lord. If we know that Jesus is Lord and the enemy yields to His authority, why don’t we trust and utilize the authority and power of our Father?

Go around the group and share what you have learned from this guide today. After you share, brainstorm some practical adjustments that each of you can make in your life to avoid and block the power of strongholds.

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Encourage one another to stir up your faith and pray BIG prayers this week and expect God to blow your mind with His answers.