~Open in prayer~

• What is your favorite part about lifegroups?
• Share your favorite memory from lifegroup?
• Share a goal that you want to achieve before this year ends.

The purpose of this current series “Hidden In Plain Sight” is to expose spiritual things. Many of us do not realize that we are suppose to be just as spiritual as we are physical. The fact is that we are a spirit being that will live forever. We are in a body on Earth temporarily and we are designed to have spiritual senses and access to spiritual things. We oftentimes tend to medicate and therapy everything when it’s really just the devil. You can’t medicate or counsel a demon. When demons attack you will not see people with goo coming out of their mouth and no eyeballs in their eye sockets and their head spinning around. It looks more like your life being locked in a cycle that you can’t get out of. We talked about it before…it’s curses. The word curse means a downward pull…it’s not a witch with a green face twisting something and saying words. There is something that is given legal right in your life, bloodline, or family where there is always a downward pull.

Down is not where God wants us to be. Take the time to read Deuteronomy 28 because it is a powerful chapter that can change your mindset on this topic. Deuteronomy 28:1 talks about blessings and prosperity from obedience. If we are not obedient, then curses are given permission to chase us in our lives. We are fighting things that we are not always sure of and the church is silent. It is our job to speak up! Let’s take the time to dive a little bit deeper as we move from curses and into “the yolk”.


Science calls it nature versus nurture. The Bible calls it generational curses versus yolks. Nature is what happens to you, nurture is what was in you when you got here. Generational curses can go three and four generations deep. When a new baby is born into the family, something inside of it is called iniquities. Iniquities means been, has in, it has already occurred and is already there. So, when that child is born, he has not watched anything tv or viewed anything on the internet. He already has momentum on the inside of him taking him towards a certain lifestyle and that’s called generational curses. Jesus was wounded for transgressions; our outward sins and He was bruised for iniquities. He bled on the inside for the will that we have turning on the inside. He bled on the inside for the things on the inside of you that’s trying to carry you into a certain lifestyle that sabotages you. He bled for the struggle that we do not want anyone to know about! So, we are absolutely saved even if you are still experiencing the struggle. Jesus bought you forgiveness for that!

Read Isaiah 10:27
27 “In that day the Lord will end the bondage of his people. He will break the yoke of slavery and lift it from their shoulders.”

The anointing means the end dwelling of the Holy Spirit, His residency. In the Old Testament it was actual oil and God told Him how to mix the oil according to the art of the perfumer. In the New Testament it’s not oil in a jar, it’s the oil that comes from the Holy Spirit living on the inside of God’s people. The anointing is not just for the people that hold microphones on stage. It’s for you! We need to all understand that we are anointed! I do not need to touch your child if they wake up with a 103-degree fever. You can touch your child and break the fever in the name of Jesus. You need to understand that you are anointed. You don’t have to get someone at the church building in order to get healed. The healing is not in this building, the healing is in you! You’re the building and the church. The Holy Spirit lives in you and you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Wherever you go, you are carrying the Holy Spirit with you. God shows up when you show up!
What does this mean to you? Why do we assume that we have to run to the church for our needs instead of straight to God himself?

Everything from the head flows down, we can start changing our mindset today. We don’t need to run to someone else or a church building to get what we need. God is with us and within us always. He gave us the anointing to break the yolk and curses in our lives. How will you respond to your burdens going forward in your life today?

Support one another in sharing prayer requests and celebrate praise reports. Share prayers in which you are “standing in the gap” for someone or something to happen.