~Open in prayer~

• Share a short-term goal that you have.
• Share a long-term goal that you have.
• If money was not a factor and you could pack up your bags and travel anywhere today, where would you go?

Message Review
Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 10:23 which says, “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.” This has been my jumpstart scripture in this series and I’m trying to move you, myself, and God’s people away from trying not to sin every day. That’s a very immature walk with God, you just getting up every day trying not to sin. We have to move to a place where we think is it wise? Instead of is it right or wrong? The Bible says that there is no law against you anymore because we are in the age of grace, the time and season of grace. God is not chasing you down looking for a reason to throw you out of Heaven; that’s not happening. Paul says but although that is not happening, you need to understand that not every is wise or beneficial. The word beneficial means pieces coming together, the word edify means an upward trajectory. In other words, you can go out and do what you want to; God will love you and will not throw you away. However not everything will bring the pieces of your life together and not everything will take your life into an upward trajectory. So now were asking this question, not is it right or wrong but is it a wise thing?

Let’s Talk About It!

Proverbs 6:6 -11
6 “Go to the ant, you sluggard! 7 Consider her ways and be wise, Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler, 8 Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest. 9 How long will you slumber, O sluggard? When will you rise from your sleep? 10 A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to sleep— 11 So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler, And your need like an armed man.”

The week before last I talked about the example of an ant having no captain, or ruler. It has no one constantly motiving him but yet it is diligent about its business because it is internally motivated. Anyone who accomplishes anything is going to have to find a fire inside themselves because not only will everyone not be patting you on the back everyday encouraging you. But you’ll have to push through a lot of people standing in your way and speaking against you. Look at the ant, it doesn’t have anyone clapping for him or an encouragement committee waiting at his door from when he gets up. The ant is motivated from within.

The Ron Carpenter definition of diligence is doing a little thing a long time until something big happens. Ernest Hemingway said gradually then suddenly. When we look at my life experiences, it would be nothing for a while and then bam suddenly something happens. Then it would go right back to nothing then back another thing would take place suddenly again. That’s an example of gradually then suddenly. Suddenly is not suddenly; suddenly was happening gradually a long time. You don’t suddenly get divorced, there’s a day where it becomes official, but it’s been happening a long time. I know we want to think not but you don’t get wealthy suddenly. People that win the lottery don’t keep it, eighty percent of them lose their entire fortune. Eight out of every ten. Its gradual and then bam it hits. The thing about the ant is that it knows that while it’s moving through gradually there are things going on that it cannot see.

You have to understand the example of a tipping point in your life. For example, when you go to the waterpark where they have the giant bucket in the middle of the middle and kids like to grab someone and make them stand there under it. While you wait for the water to tip over you get bored because nothing is happening. Then all of a sudden, the bucket can’t hold any more water and it tips and everyone starts screaming. Everyone starts screaming because this big bucket of bam comes right on you and then it goes right back to nothing. That’s the way God usually at work over our life. You have to understand that every time you lift your hands and praise God, things are moving around in an arena you can’t see. You have to believe that every time that you give and bring tithes and offerings, you are creating things moving in your direction that your eyes do not see. When you think you are going along the mundaneness of life and it’s just day after day, cycle after cycle that you believe your life is just boring. It seems like nothing is happening. But there is a world that you can’t see that every time you sat in church, showed a random act of kindness, was generous, and kept your mouth shut when you wanted to say something and hear your peace…God was recording it. Things begin to tip your way in Heaven and if you have not experienced it yet, some of you are about to experience a tipping point that is one praise away! That nothing nothing nothing will become the bam that you have been waiting for.

Share something that you have been trusting God for, but it feels like nothing is happening. You’re bored and impatient while waiting on the bam.

The ant knows what season it’s in. Proverbs 6:8: “Provides her supplies in the summer, And gathers her food in the harvest.” The ant knows that if something is going to show up, it’s going to have to create it. Do you know your season? Are you supplying all the needs for your harvest? Your bam? Through our praise and prayer, we have to provide the opportunity for God to move in our life. Are you being wise with your time and supply?

1. Share one of the ways you can be more like the “ant” within your life.

2. Why are you feeling like there is nothing nothing nothing in your life right now? I challenge you to right down the bam that you are believing for. Seek and pray to God about it for the next week. Document what God reveals to you.

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Encourage one another to stir up your faith and pray BIG prayers this week and expect God to blow your mind with His answers.