~Open in prayer~

• Share something you learned in June.
• Share something you are looking forward to in July.
• Share the top three items on your bucket list.

Message Review
1 Samuel 16:21 -23 – “21 So David came to Saul and stood before him. And he loved him greatly, and he became his armorbearer. 22 Then Saul sent to Jesse, saying, “Please let David stand before me, for he has found favor in my sight.” 23 And so it was, whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him.”

Your gift would bring you in the room, but your character keeps you in the room. David’s gift got him in the room whereas he would play and it comforted Saul. We have to be able to praise and make things leave. You need to be able to praise and things just leave you! We have to be able to praise and make God come, and make demons leave.

God does not call lazy people, but the busy ones. You have to learn to praise for God’s eyes, and not man’s eyes. If you do it for people, you will not do well nor do it long, but if you do it for God, you will do it well and do it long. They asked you to do it, but you have to pretend that it is God who has asked you to do it. If you do it for people, once you find out something about them, you stop doing it at a high level. Man gives you your service, but you have to do it as unto the Lord.

Let’s Talk About It!

You need to learn to embrace process because God’s process develops you privately before He reveals you publicly. When you are revealed publicly before you are developed privately, your public life will fall very quickly.

Share one area in your life where God is trying to develop you privately to reveal or release you publicly to do what He has called you to do?

God always gets far more out of the process than He gets out of the destination. The destination is a little reward for your adopting the process. To get to a certain place there is a process. You have to be able allow God to anoint you, and then be willing to do the task.

How is adopting a process important to a successful outcome?

The laws of victory: 1. God will give you the victory whereas you are willing to fight so when you win, everyone wins – it cannot be about you. You have to think about everybody, 2. His methods are different; you have fight in an unconventional way, you cannot stand in the same place. You cannot fight your battle with somebody else’s stuff. To go through doors that God wants you to go through, you are going to have to shout some unconventional shouts, praise some unconventional praises, run some unconventional runs, jump some unconventional jumps, dance some unconventional dances; you just have to do something unconventional and uncomfortable! Whatever you have to do to win this thing you have to do; whatever you have to do to win this battle you have to do. You cannot allow fear to paralyze you. You have to allow God to speak to you clearly and walk in it. You have to move and move to stop stirring it!

Fear is a real thing that exist s in our walk of life. What do you do to overcome fear in your life?

Goliath came at David with a sword and spear, but David came at him in the name of the Lord God that put Goliath into David’s hands that day. There was nothing special about that rock or sling shot, BUT when God put His hands on the rock and sling shot, he won!

A Goliath will come in your life sooner or later, making you feel like a David. Just as David’s faith caused him to believe that God would empower a little rock and a little sling shot….What area in your life do you need God to empower what looks little to become big enough to defeat a Goliath and caused you to win?

In 1 Samuel 18:6-12, they dance and sung saying Saul his thousand and David his ten thousand. The difference in a season is an enemy and a door. You don’t like what you’re going through, but what you’re going through is a promoter. After you defeat the enemy, on the other side is a hater. You move from the battle to the hater. Whatever is on the other side of your door, don’t run from it!

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Encourage one another to stir up your faith and pray BIG prayers this week and expect God to blow your mind with His answers.