~Open in prayer~

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Message Review
Which battles should you fight?
Life is lived through seasons and transition is what is between two seasons. enemy will have you fight all the time. There are some people that you can place in a peaceful environment, and they will still find a way to pick a fight. What Pastor Ron called “storm carriers”, they will carry a storm wherever they go. A boat can make it through any storm as long as water does not get in it. People were supposed to go through a storm but instead the storm got in them. Do not engage in any battles that you have not counted the cost or are not committed to win. Let’s learn more about what type of battles we should engage in and which we should walk away from.
Let’s dig in a little deeper…!

Let’s Talk About It!

Read Matt 10:7-13, 10:16
Jesus taught and trained the disciples then sent them out. Discipleship is: watch me do it, come do it with me, now I’ll watch you do it, and now tag your it. Jesus taught to speak peace to all the places you go. Be a light wherever you go. For example, we tend to see things in a natural lens especially in a corporate setting. But God sends us out in heavenly assignments. If you have an anointing and if they embrace your gift then that is where you’re supposed to be but if not, shake the dust off your feet and move on. This confirms that this is not your place so you can move forward. You don’t have to bad mouth or demonize anyone just move on in peace. Has there ever been a time that you went to a place the Lord sent you and you were not received? What did you do in that situation?

Read Luke 14:25-33
We must understand that where we are going is an increasingly hostile place to our faith. There will be conflict everywhere if we chose to engage. So, we will have to pick our battles because not every battle is worth fighting. We will have to keep our antennas up but, do no harm. Jesus said whoever does not bare his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. For which of you wanting to build a tower does not sit down first to count the cost to see if he has enough to finish it. Do not engage in battles you are not committed to win. Jesus said if you will not finish it do not start it. Difficulty does not matter when you count the cost and know you are committed to finish what you started to do. We have so many starters but not many finishers. God is a finishing God because He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete. We must count the cost, fight battles that have something to be won and come against your destiny. Share a time when you wanted to engage in battle but stopped because you knew it was not the right thing to do?

Read Joshua 6:2-4
The bible says that Joshua was instructed by God in order to destroy Jericho. For six days the men of war were to march around the city quietly. On the seventh day is when they marched with trumpets and shouts. There is a time when we do not need to engage in battle, but just move in silence.

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray for one another that you have the discernment and wisdom when picking battles to engage in.

Scripture References
Matt 10:7-13
Luke 14:25-33
Joshua 6:2-4