~ Open in Prayer ~

• Where did you grow up and where have you lived?
• What’s your fondest memory of the holiday season?

Read Malachi 1:6-11
Honor is the culture by which the Kingdom functions. Honor is the foundation. The Kingdom cannot function without a culture of honor; for if you do not honor something you can’t receive or benefit from it. When you honor someone you pull something different out of them that you wouldn’t have been able to if you hadn’t honored them. The enemy of honor is familiarity, for familiarity breeds contempt. So the more familiar you get with someone or something the more likely you are to fail to honor it because you begin to take the thing for granted and/or see the things that aren’t so “honorable” about the person or thing. Are you showing honor to those around you? How do you do this? What are the different ways you can show honor?

Read John 4:6-19
You receive someone on the exact same level that you perceive them. Perception is a filter inside of you…it’s your perspective…it’s not who they are but how you perceive them. The woman at the well couldn’t receive what Jesus was saying because she didn’t perceive Him as a prophet, but as soon as her perspective of Him changed she was able to receive a word from Him. She now had access to the blessing that he was carrying. You can’t have access to the treasure within others until you honor them and perceive them correctly. You must perceive them how God perceives them in order to be blessed by them. We have missed many blessings due to our inability to perceive people properly. Has there been a time when this has been true for you? Do you have an example where your perception of someone may have blocked the blessing they were carrying for you?

Read Matthew 10:41-42
You are received like you are perceived. People receive you like they perceive you, so if they don’t perceive you as valuable or worthy they will receive you in that way and their actions will show that. Therefore, you won’t ever be able to help them until their perception of you has shifted. People don’t have the ability to help you if you have no honor for them. The burden is on you to see people correctly. You can’t benefit from anyone you disrespect. Many relationships (marriage, parenting, friends) breakdown due to lack of honor. How do you think people perceive you? Are they benefiting from or failing to benefit from the blessing God has placed on your life for them? Are there any relationships in your life where honor is lacking?

Read Mark 6:1-6
Jesus’ own people couldn’t honor him because they couldn’t get past Him “just being a carpenter.” Their lack of honor blocked the blessing of healing and victory He had for them. “Because of their unbelief He couldn’t do any miracles among them except place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.” Their perception of Him limited what He could do for them. Don’t let your disrespect rob you of a blessing. What will you draw out of people….their humanity or their blessing/calling? Who has God sent you that you have not honored? What have you been drawing out of those around you, their “humanity” or their “blessing”?

Read Luke 10:38-42
Mary chose the “greater portion”. We have to choose the “greater portion” of people and not just what we see or what has been. Don’t honor because they are honorable, honor because it’s your standard, not theirs. It’s not that Martha’s acts of service weren’t important but what Mary chose was greater which was worship. Martha received the humanity of the Lord and Mary received the divinity of the Lord. When someone walks into your midst you don’t know the gift on their life but God will demand that you honor them so their gift can turn around and benefit you. Are you focused on the right things? Are you focused on people’s “humanity” or their “divinity”?

Read Malachi 1:10-11
Jesus is saying if it doesn’t mean anything to you then why should it mean anything to me. It starts with desire. We give on the level we honor. The people were showing their lack of honor by the quality of sacrifices they were giving. When people see your worship (how you honor) they should know how great your God is. We have to get our edge back. We have to get our honor back. When did you lose your edge? In what things have you lost your edge? Familiarity and complacency are dangerous….how can you guard against them?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that they will honor those around them and that if they’ve lost their “edge” that it be restored.

Scripture References
Malachi 1:6-11 | John 4:6-19 | Matthew 10:41-42 | Mark 6:1-6 | Luke 10:38-42