Hey everyone, it’s Ron here. I just finished listening to a conversation between me and my wife Hope. We were talking about submission, roles, and responsibilities in a marriage. It’s a topic that’s often misunderstood and can lead to a lot of arguments among couples.

One thing we agreed upon is the importance of teamwork in a marriage. We shared how we approach daily tasks, like cleaning the house, doing the dishes, and taking care of the kids as a team. We don’t spiritualize these activities or try to fit them into specific gender roles. We just do what needs to be done to make our home run smoothly.

We talked about having a vision for our family and working together to achieve our goals. It’s not about who does what, but about working together towards a common purpose. And it’s not always easy, but we’ve learned to support each other, communicate openly, and appreciate each other’s efforts.

I also shared about how we handle unexpected situations, like having guests over, by quickly jumping in and helping each other out. It’s those little moments of teamwork that make a big difference in our marriage.

So, if you’re struggling with roles and responsibilities in your marriage, remember that it’s about teamwork, communication, and supporting each other. It’s not about who does what, but about working together towards a common goal.

If you enjoyed this conversation between me and Hope, please share it with your friends and family. We believe in being real, raw, and relevant, and we hope our story can inspire and encourage others in their own relationships.

Until next time, it’s Ron and Hope, unfiltered, real, and relevant. Thanks for listening.