~Open in prayer~

• What is your favorite thing about Fall?
• Are you excited for the holidays?
• Go to warm drink during fall/winter?

Message Review
In the book of Jeremiah Chapter 1, we read that assignment did not start today. Assignment has been waiting on you, you have not been waiting on it. Your days were planned and laid out for you and this moment has been waiting for you. God is so glad to start this adventure so He can take you into what He has already planned out. Before the Lord put you in your mother’s womb, God already knew you. The bible speaks of all things will work together for good, how do we know? Because God knows all, and He uses ALL things. He may not cause everything, but He will definitely use everything and every event in your life. God used His word to create and that is how He created us. This is why the bible teaches the power of tongue is life and death. Your life will follow the path that your words take it. Let’s dig in deeper to this message……

Let’s Talk About It!

Read 1 John 2:20
When we first said yes to Jesus and made Him our Lord and Savior, the word was made flesh in our hearts. The bible says we are then cleansed by the blood of Jesus then we receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus will clean us up before the Holy Spirit came to live in us. Jesus came and left so that the Holy Spirit could come and stay IN YOU! This is why you and I can say we have the “anointing” which means we can see that you have the Holy Spirit inside of you. He gives us gifts, example: words of knowledge, words of wisdom, gift of faith to name a few. We also know all things because the Holy Spirit knows all things. Our mind does not know but the spirit inside of us does. Do you live a spirit led life (do life with Holy Spirit)? Do you function in your God given gifts? If yes which ones? If no, pray for the people in your group to stir up their gifts.

Read 1 John 2:15-16

The bible speaks of that we should not love what your eyes love, what your flesh desires or what strokes your ego. We have flesh and we have a spirit. He who sows to his spirit is life and peace but he who sows to his flesh the bible says there is death. We have two contradictory things inside of us. If we focus on the flesh there is only a matter of time before our lives head in a downward spiral that only God can rescue you from. Share how you work to starve the flesh? Discuss how you focus on things of the spirit.

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports.

Scripture Reference
Jeremiah 1:4-5
1 John 5:6-9
John 1: 1-14
John 1: 2-3
John 1: 11-13
1 John 5:4
1 John 2:15-20
John 1:3
James 1:18
Ephesians 1:4
Isaiah 55:11-12
Jeremiah 1:12
Ephesians 2:10
Colossians 3:1-3
Ephesians 4:7
Ephesians 4:11-13
1 Corinthians 2:9-15