~Open in prayer~

• What are your Thanksgiving plans?
• Have you done your Christmas shopping?
• What is your favorite version of the bible?

Message Review

Jesus is about to speak a parable in the book of Luke.
Whenever Jesus told a story He was not trying to tell you a nice story. He is trying to teach a heavenly truth in a language where the people can understand it. Jesus came to bring a kingdom and He personally washed your sins by becoming the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus the man prepared us for eternity and Jesus the word prepared us for earth. He came to teach the way heaven functions. The word of God will come up and confront you some time in your life. Jesus is teaching kingdom so it could come to earth as it is in heaven. Jesus taught in parables and that was a story behind the story and that’s what most people never understand. The kingdom does not come to the casual but to the seeker. Matthew 6:33 33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Let’s dig in a little more…….

Let’s Talk About It!

Read Luke 19:11-26

The parable Jesus spoke was about men being held accountable with what they were given. Jesus was raised in the home of a businessman and was calling them into account to see what they did. Your assignment will require faithfulness. First is faithfulness to which pertains to another man. God is always qualifying you. The men had to be faithful with what He gave them. This is how God judges for what you are ready for next. How you treat someone else’s home or car determines if you will have one of your own one day. Being able to rule is qualified by God at the level you have served. When you’re faithful in little, God will make you ruler over much. Do you care for things that are not yours with respect and honor? Do you realize that the Lord is qualifying us for our next? How will you change because of this revelation?

Read Ecclesiastes 9:10
10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.

In your assignment you will do a lot of “whatever”. we must do whatever so we can be able to do what we dream of. Whatever your hands find to do, perform it with all your might. You have a limited amount of time and you have to learn and be aware to maximize everything you’ve been given. God is watching and waiting to open the next door for you. Your assignment will require faithfulness in the little things from which springs the big things. Your assignment will require exposure. If you can see it you can be inspired or intimidated when God gives you a sneak peak at your next. It’s up to you how you receive what He shows you. Share examples you were faithful with the little or times you struggled with this. What did you learn in that process?

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray and encourage one another to stay faithful with the little and do all things unto the Lord.

Scripture Reference
Habakkuk 2:1-3
Joshua 1:1-3 & 5
Joshua 1:10-11
Luke 19:11-26
Ephesians 6:8
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Hebrews 11:1-3
2 Corinthians 4:8-16