~ Open in Prayer ~

• Are you a “go with the flow” or “plan to the T” type of person?
• What is something or someone that means a lot to you?
• What’s something you look forward to during the holiday season?


Read Habakkuk 2:1-3

Your vision is in you. It is revealed to you by the spirit. It does not come from the outside in; it comes from you pushing it out. God will show you where you are and He’ll show you the end result. In between is the plan and He does not show plans. The word says “I know the plans I have for you…” (Jeremiah 29:11) but YOU don’t. If he showed you the plan you’d forfeit the vision. He will show you A and he will show you Z but he won’t show you LMNOP. Joseph had a vision of his brothers kneeling before him, but if Joseph would’ve known he would’ve been sold into slavery and everything in between that it took to get to that vision he wouldn’t have been so happy about sharing it.

Does not knowing “the plan” frustrate you? Has there been a time where you’ve seen this cycle playout in your life (you had a vision, didn’t know how you were going to get there, and then achieved it)?

He will show you the end and the “next.” Your next step is the problem closest to you. So if you want to know your “next,” go and solve the problem closest to you because the plan is nothing but the continual solving of problems. The end won’t come easy; you will have to work for it. The more sophisticated your end, the more sophisticated the safe you will have to find the combination to.

Do you struggle with “working hard?” What are some things you practically do to keep yourself going when the journey gets hard?

Your assignment will demand clarity (“write the vision and make it plain”). If it isn’t clear to you it’ll be hard for others to get on board to support you. You have to keep on making it plain over and over so that the vision is clear to those around you. You will not accomplish the vision alone. There are people who have been appointed to you in various seasons to help you achieve the vision God has given you. The moment you get clear, people will come. People will come in and out, and you have to be okay with that. Don’t sabotage your entire future and assignment because you think you have to keep someone around. So most of your relationships will be seasonal so you have to learn how to let people enter and exit.

Are you clear about the vision God has given you? Have you written it down? Have you had trouble dealing with transitional seasons where you have to let people in or let people go? Is there a relationship you’ve failed to let go or let in that you think is impacting your ability to move forward?

“For in due season you shall reap if you faint not”… (Galatians 6:9). If you don’t fight you won’t win. Quitting has to be an option that is taken off the table. All of your decisions become easier when quitting isn’t an option. Confusion will stop when you commit. Your vision will have seasons of nothing followed by “suddenlys.” During the “nothing” seasons, you must commit to the process and be steadfast to the vision God gave you. You must continue to wait and be patient through the process. To wait doesn’t mean do nothing. It means to prep to be ready. You know something is coming so you wait in anticipation which means being prepared and ready for the “suddenly.” You have to be ready to seize and maximize the moment. Climb your tree and get yourself in position (Luke 19:4). Climbing the tree is not fun but that’s what it will take to see the vision come to reality.

Are you ready to commit ten toes down? Have you felt like giving up in seasons where it feels like nothing is happening? Are you willing to get ready by “climbing the tree” and waiting? What are some things you can do as you “wait?”


Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that they will write down and commit to the vision God has given them. Quitting will not be an option.

Scripture References
Habakkuk 2:1-3 | Jeremiah 29:11 | Genesis 37-45 | 1 Corinthians 2:9 | Galatians 6:9 | Luke 19:1-5