Hey guys, Ron here! Hope and I are back with another unfiltered episode, keeping it real, raw, and relevant. Today, we’re diving into the topic of forgiveness. Hope won’t let me start the episode without joking around, but forgiveness is a serious subject that we all need to address.

Forgiveness is like the two wonder twins – you can’t have one without the other. It goes hand in hand. We often hear people say they’ll never forgive someone for what they did or said. But holding onto unforgiveness only keeps us hostage, poisoning our lives.

Jesus teaches us to forgive and be forgiven. It’s not just a gift we give to others, but also a gift we give ourselves. When we retain poison in our lives through unforgiveness, it only hurts us, not the other person. Forgiveness sets us free, allowing us to experience the freedom in our relationship with God.

Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother, and Jesus replied, “seventy times seven.” Forgiveness knows no limits. It’s a continuous process that requires us to let go of our desire for revenge and hold no grudges against others.

In our book, “The Most Beautiful Disaster,” we share our journey of forgiveness and redemption in our marriage. Forgiveness is a hurdle that we all face, especially when we feel deeply violated. But the blessings on the other side of forgiveness are worth it.

Unforgiveness not only traps us spiritually but also affects our physical health. High levels of stress hormones like cortisol can lead to health issues like high blood pressure, immune problems, and obesity. So, forgiving others is not just for spiritual freedom but also for our overall well-being.

Millennials, listen up! You might be the first fatherless generation, facing relational voids and lacking boundaries in life. Forgiveness is crucial for our spiritual and physical health. It’s a decision we make, not an option. Trust is a process, but forgiveness is a continuous journey towards freedom.

So, if you have someone in your life whom you need to forgive, know that God will give you the grace and strength to do so. Forgiveness is not easy, but it is necessary for our spiritual and physical well-being. Until next time, stay real, raw, and relevant. We love you all!