Hey everybody, Hope here! Today I want to dive into a topic that’s close to my heart – loving the unlovable. Ron and I had a candid discussion on our podcast, “Real, Raw, Relevant,” where we talked about how challenging it can be to show love to those who are difficult to love.

We all have encountered unlovable people in our lives – whether it’s a family member, a friend, a colleague, or even a stranger. And let’s face it, it can be tough to extend love and kindness to those who push our buttons or constantly bring negativity into our lives. But as followers of Christ, we are called to love one another just as Jesus loved us.

Ron shared some valuable insights on how to approach unlovable people with grace and compassion. He emphasized the importance of understanding that these individuals may have evolved into their unpleasant behavior due to underlying reasons. By seeking to understand the root cause of their behavior, we can approach them with empathy and kindness.

Ron also touched on the significance of walking in the Spirit and allowing the love of God to be shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Ghost. It’s essential to rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to navigate difficult relationships and to show love to those who may challenge us.

I shared a personal anecdote about my dad, who instilled in me the value of doing right by people, even when it’s challenging. His example of extending love and kindness to everyone he met left a lasting impact on me, and I strive to embody that same spirit in my interactions with others.

In closing, Ron and I encouraged listeners to approach relationships with a spirit of understanding, grace, and patience. While it may not always be easy to love the unlovable, it’s a reflection of Christ’s love for us when we choose to show kindness and compassion to those who may not reciprocate it.

If you’re interested in exploring more about this topic or have any questions you’d like us to address on our podcast, feel free to reach out to us at unfiltered@ronandhope.com. And remember, loving the unlovable is not just a suggestion – it’s a commandment that reflects the core of our faith.

Thank you for tuning in to Ron and Hope Unfiltered. Stay blessed, stay kind, and keep spreading love in a world that needs it more than ever. Until next time!