Hey everyone, Hope here! I just wanted to share with you all about a recent conversation Ron and I had on our podcast. We were talking about self-care and how important it is to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

It’s interesting because the concept of self-care has become a big movement in today’s society. People are realizing the importance of taking care of themselves and prioritizing their well-being. But is self-care biblical? That’s the question we wanted to tackle.

We talked about how all healing power comes from God, and how important it is to prioritize our time in His presence. As Ron mentioned, Jesus would heal and deliver people, but then He would withdraw to pray and spend time with the Father. It’s in God’s presence that we find true rest and rejuvenation.

We also talked about the importance of setting boundaries in our lives, whether it’s with our time, relationships, or even with ourselves. Boundaries help us maintain a balance and prevent us from getting overwhelmed and depleted.

And of course, we discussed the four forms of energy that God has given us – emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical. It’s important to track what depletes us and what replenishes us in each of these areas. For me, spending quality time with Ron and getting away for a couple of days are some of the things that replenish me both emotionally and physically.

One thing that I personally find so refreshing is spending time alone in God’s presence. It’s in those quiet moments that I feel His joy and strength filling me up.

So, as you navigate through life and all its demands, remember to take care of yourself. Find what replenishes you, set boundaries, and prioritize time in God’s presence. Self-care is not just a trendy movement, it’s a biblical principle that leads to true restoration and wholeness.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast, Ron and Hope Unfiltered, and share it with others who may benefit from these discussions. Let’s spread the message of self-care and the importance of prioritizing our well-being.

Take care and God bless!