Hey everybody, it’s Hope here! I just wanted to share with you all a little bit about our recent podcast with Ron on family vacation. It was a fun and unfiltered conversation, as always, and we talked about our experiences navigating through family trips with our grandkids, rentals, and friends.

We shared about the chaos of trying to feed and manage a group of almost 20 people, with everyone leaving half-drunk water bottles lying around. We also discussed the exhaustion of dealing with whiny kids after a long day in the sun, and the challenges of being consistent as a parent.

One thing we touched on was the importance of being consistent and disciplined as a parent. Ron shared about his struggles with perfectionism and how he struggled to lower his expectations, especially when it came to keeping the house clean. I shared about my experience of trying to lower my expectations and let go of my need for perfection, which led to some funny mishaps with dirty dishes!

We also talked about the challenges of raising boys versus girls. Ron mentioned that girls can be more difficult for him, as he feels a strong protective instinct towards them. Girls can be cunning and manipulative, and it can be a challenge to find the balance between discipline and understanding.

One thing we both agreed on was the importance of prayer and unconditional love as a parent. We shared about the importance of letting children face consequences for their actions and not always trying to intercept their pain. It’s important to trust in God’s plan for our children and to love them unconditionally, no matter what.

In the end, we talked about the importance of being in agreement as parents and the need to have consistent boundaries and consequences for our children. We also shared about the struggles of dealing with wayward children and the importance of letting them face the consequences of their actions.

Overall, the podcast was a candid and honest conversation about the joys and challenges of parenting, and I hope it resonates with all of you parents out there. Remember, no parent is perfect, but with prayer, love, and consistency, we can navigate through the ups and downs of raising children. Thank you for tuning in, and we’ll see you next time!