Hey everyone, Ron here. Wow, what an incredible conversation we just had with Dr. Amen. I mean, talk about mind-blowing information! I am still trying to process everything he shared with us.

When we started this podcast, one of our main goals was to have real, honest conversations about the highs and lows of life. And today’s episode was no exception. Dr. Amen really opened our eyes to the importance of brain health and how it affects every aspect of our lives.

One thing that really stood out to me was the idea that mental health is actually brain health. It’s not just about praying more or trying harder – it’s about taking care of our brains just like we would any other organ in our bodies.

Dr. Amen talked about simple things we can do every day to improve our brain health, like exercising, eating well, and managing our thoughts. It’s all about making intentional choices to support our brains and, ultimately, our overall well-being.

And the discussion about ADD and ADHD was eye-opening as well. It’s not just about medication – it’s about looking at the bigger picture, including lifestyle factors like diet, sleep, and screen time.

I am honestly feeling so inspired and motivated to take better care of my own brain health after this conversation. And I hope you are too. Remember, it’s never too late to start making positive changes for your brain and your overall health.

If you want to learn more about Dr. Amen and his work, you can visit his website at amenclinics.com. And don’t forget to check out his book, “You, Happier.” It’s definitely going on my reading list!

Thank you all for tuning in today. Let’s keep the conversation going and continue to support each other on this journey to better brain health. Take care, and until next time.
