~ Open in Prayer ~

• What are your plans for Easter?
• What’s a goal you’ve recently accomplished?
• What’s your dream vacation?

Message Review
We’ve learned that there is a way/process in which we must enter worship. When you enter a King’s courts a certain protocol must be followed or you will not be able to advance, or you could be removed. The same is with God; if we don’t enter into worship in a certain way we won’t experience His presence. There are a lot of “polished” churches now with great production and amenities but with no power. The protocols of worship haven’t been met so there is no move of God.

Let’s dig in more…

Read Daniel 3:16-20; 24-27
In this passage we see that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego declared what they knew their God could do. They told the King that God will deliver them from the furnace and from him, but if He doesn’t it won’t change their mind. They were not going to bow down to the King’s idols. Standing up for your beliefs in a “foreign land” can be hard. Do you find it hard to worship and to keep to your faith when you’re outside your “norm”? Describe a time when you refused to appease others.

To every Kingdom promise there is a Kingdom key. There is a certain way you must approach God. The goal is the presence of the King but there is a protocol to getting into His presence. The protocol of the courts have to be met or you could be removed. You can’t move forward until you’ve met the protocols. We have to remember this when we’re worshipping God and soliciting his presence. You don’t get to praise God your way. Praise is about who He is….we get the benefit but it’s about Him. Why are protocols important? Have you been approaching God the right way?

Whatever you declare in the courts of a King the King has to become that to you. You have to declare what you want Him to be and He will be it. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego declared what God could do…. “He will deliver us from the furnace and you…” God will deliver you from the fire or jump in it with you and you’ll come out unscathed. The greatest thing you can do during praise and worship is to start telling Him who He is. Who do you need God to be in this season? What words do you need to speak confidently and assertively? Let each person go around and make their declaration.

Read Psalm 100:4 | Acts 2:1-13 | Ephesians 5:18-19
The entry point to the presence of God is a continual mindfulness of all He has done. You’re not going to get in the gate by complaining. No matter what you’re going through you have to find a way to give thanks. You don’t come before a King with complaints. The meaning of “praise” in this verse in Hebrew means “Taheluh” which is an unhinged praise. In Greek the companion word is “drunkenness.” A crazy drunken all-encompassing praise is how we’re going to get the full presence of God. God is alive in us so we have to act like it! Churches are so “polished” nowadays. You have to get “wild” to usher in the presence of God. There are things that happen when you’re drunk that should be happening when you’re at church – you’re not worried about the time; you love everybody; you give freely…a spirit of generosity. Let’s be a drunk church – drunk on the Holy Spirit. What are you thankful for? What has God done for you? Have you ever experienced personally or witnessed a “drunken” praise?

Psalm 22:3 KJV
Pastor Ron says “I don’t want a God who visits, I want a God that lives.” God lives in us to the extent we allow Him to. We are in control of the space He occupies not our Pastor or the praise and worship team. If we do a little praise we’ll get a little presence, but a big praise will elicit and overwhelming presence of God. You’re in charge of how much of His presence you experience. Have you experienced the impact of how your praise effects the level of God’s presence?

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that they enter into worship with the right posture so they can experience God’s presence to the greatest extent.

Scripture References
Psalms 84
Isaiah 1:12
Daniel 3:16-19
Daniel 3:24-25
Psalms 100:4
Psalms 22:3
Mark 10:46-52
Acts 16:16-19
Acts 16: 25-31
Mark 10:46-52