Hey guys, it’s Ron coming at you with a real, raw, and relevant conversation today. We’re glad you’re here, joining us. Today, we’re diving into the topic of battles, enemies, and how they can actually be opportunities for growth and promotion in our lives.

I want to start by talking about a personal experience I had with a long, drawn-out battle with the government, which ultimately led me to write a book on the subject. This battle lasted for three years, drained us financially, and put immense stress on our family and ministry. But out of this difficult time, came a book that has had a profound impact on many lives.

One key takeaway from this experience is the realization that enemies are necessary means of promotion. Just like Moses needed Pharaoh to show his leadership, and David needed Goliath to rise to fame, we too may face opposition that propels us to new levels of growth and influence.

I also want to touch on the importance of picking our battles wisely. Not every fight is worth engaging in, especially if it doesn’t threaten our destiny or offer any spoils. Learning to discern when to fight and when to let go is crucial for navigating life’s challenges.

And let’s not forget the role of identity in the midst of battles. Sometimes, the enemy isn’t coming after what we’re doing, but who we are. By standing firm in our identity as children of God, we can overcome even the fiercest opposition.

I want to leave you with this thought: the battle you face is not just about what you’ve accomplished so far, but about the untapped potential that lies within you. Embrace the challenges, see them as opportunities for growth, and never forget the power of who you are.

So, if you’re currently facing a battle, remember that it could be your best opportunity for growth and promotion. And as always, keep the faith, keep fighting, and stay encouraged.

Thank you for tuning in to this blog, and we’ll catch you in the next one. Stay strong and keep pushing forward.