Hey everyone, it’s Ron here, bringing you another unfiltered podcast episode. Today we tackled a topic that many shy away from – what does God think about sex? We dove into the biblical perspective on sex and sought to bring clarity on this important subject.

We started off by addressing some common misconceptions and fears around discussing sex. We emphasized the importance of the biblical perspective on sex and how God designed our bodies for pleasure and procreation.

We also discussed the impact of past traumas, experiences, and societal beliefs on our views of sex. It’s essential to address these issues and seek healing in order to have a healthy view of sex within marriage.

We delved into the Song of Solomon, a book in the Bible that celebrates erotic love and intimacy between a man and a woman. This book provides a glimpse into the beauty and passion that God intended for married couples to experience in their sexual relationship.

We also addressed the importance of mutual pleasure, consent, and open communication in the marriage bed. It’s crucial for couples to discuss their desires, boundaries, and needs in order to have a fulfilling and healthy sexual relationship.

Ultimately, we want to encourage couples to embrace the gift of sex that God has given us within marriage. It’s a sacred and beautiful aspect of marriage that should be enjoyed and celebrated within the boundaries of a loving and committed relationship.

So remember, God created sex for pleasure and procreation, and it’s okay to enjoy and explore this aspect of your marriage. Let’s cultivate open communication, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of each other’s needs in order to have a fulfilling and intimate relationship.

Until next time, stay unfiltered and keep the conversation going. Thanks for tuning in!