Hey everyone, Ron here bringing a you real, raw, and relevant conversations. Today, I want to talk about a topic that is close to my heart – racism. I know it’s a heavy subject, but I believe we need to have these tough conversations in order to move forward.

In a recent podcast, I discussed the issue of racism in the church and our approach to it. I talked about the importance of addressing taboo topics and how we need to listen to each other’s perspectives in order to find common ground. It’s not about changing behavior through rules and regulations, but about changing our hearts and becoming the people God intended us to be.

I shared my personal experience growing up in a multicultural environment and how it shaped my views on race and diversity. I talked about the need for intentional multicultural leadership and how it is essential for true unity in the body of Christ.

One of the key points I made is that we need to transcend political divisions when it comes to racism. We can’t solve this issue through a political lens, as it only serves to divide us further. We need to focus on changing hearts and minds, not passing laws or political agendas.

I also touched on the importance of coming out of our comfort zones and embracing a new identity in Christ. As believers, we are called to be citizens of a new kingdom, where our ethnicity and background no longer define us. We need to let go of the labels and prejudices that hold us back and embrace our identity as children of God.

I emphasized the need for balance and maturity in addressing issues of race and diversity. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary in order to move forward and create a more inclusive and loving community. I also highlighted the role of the church in promoting unity and understanding among all members, regardless of their background.

Overall, I believe that tackling racism requires a multifaceted approach that involves both spiritual and practical steps. It’s about creating a culture of respect, understanding, and love that transcends racial divides. Let’s work together to build a more inclusive and united community where everyone is valued and respected.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of self-discovery and growth. Stay tuned for more conversations on real, raw, and relevant topics. Remember, we are all one in Christ, and together, we can overcome any challenge. God bless.