Hey everyone, it’s Ron here and I just wanted to share with you a little bit of the conversation that Hope and I had on this episode. As you can see, we were just having a casual chat about boundaries – in relationships, with money, with our careers, and even with our children. Boundaries are so important in every aspect of our lives, and Hope and I have had to set some boundaries of our own over the years.

One area we discussed was boundaries with our kids. We made a decision early on not to let our kids sleep in our bed unless it was for a specific reason like illness or a nightmare. This boundary helped us maintain intimacy in our marriage and set the tone for our family dynamics.

We also talked about boundaries with in-laws, which can be a tricky subject for many couples. It’s important to set boundaries that protect your marriage and your family unit, even if it means saying no to certain requests or limiting access to your personal space.

And of course, we touched on boundaries with money and career as well. Setting financial boundaries and sticking to a budget has been crucial for us in maintaining financial stability and peace of mind. And in our careers, we’ve had to establish boundaries to protect our time and energy, making sure we have time for ourselves and our family amidst our work responsibilities.

Overall, boundaries are about defining what is acceptable and what is not in our lives, and it’s important to communicate those boundaries clearly and to enforce them when necessary. Boundaries are not about being mean or selfish, but about taking care of ourselves and our relationships. So I encourage you to think about the boundaries in your own life and how they can help you live a more intentional and fulfilling life.

If you want to dive deeper into the topic of boundaries, I recommend checking out some resources like the book “Boundaries” by Henry Cloud or our own books, “The Necessity of an Enemy” and “The Most Beautiful Disaster” by Hope Carpenter.

Thanks for tuning in to our podcast and for joining us on this journey of growth and self-discovery. Remember, boundaries are there to help you thrive, not to hold you back. So go ahead and set those boundaries and watch how they transform your life for the better. Until next time, stay strong, stay true, and keep setting those boundaries!

Signing off, Ron.