Hey guys, this is Ron, and in today’s unfiltered and real conversation, we dove into the topic of masculinity. The conversation was not scripted, and we talked about biblical masculinity versus the culture we see today with men.

First of all, let’s set the record straight. We believe in honoring women and their rights, but we also need to address the de-masculinization of men that is happening in our society. As Christians, we have standards and laws that govern our lives, and we need to discuss these topics even if they are sensitive or controversial.

One key point that was brought up during our conversation was the importance of fathers in shaping the identities of their children. The Bible talks about honoring our fathers, and when fathers are absent or fail to provide for their children, it can have a lasting impact on them.

We also discussed the importance of modeling masculinity and honor in our everyday lives. Men need to step up and be the source and sustainer in their families, as God intended. When men honor and respect their wives, it creates a positive and healthy dynamic in the relationship.

One important aspect that was highlighted is the need for strong male role models in society. Men need to lead by example and show the younger generation what it means to be a man of integrity, honor, and strength. The youth are watching and learning from us, so it’s crucial that we set a positive example for them to follow.

In closing, the conversation was eye-opening and thought-provoking. As men, we have a responsibility to uphold the biblical standards of masculinity and honor in our lives. Let’s strive to be the source and sustainer that God has called us to be, and let’s lead by example in all that we do.

Thanks for joining us on this journey of real, raw, and relevant conversations. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions in the future. Take care and God bless.