Hey everyone, it’s Ron and Hope here! We recently had a candid conversation about relationships and marriage, and we wanted to share some of the insights we’ve gained over the years.

One thing that really stood out to us was the importance of constantly excavating for treasure in your relationship. Just like in the parable of the man who found a treasure hidden in a field, marriage is a process of discovering the gold amid the dirt. It’s about understanding that every relationship will have its challenges, but the rewards are worth it.

Another piece of advice we would give is to take divorce off the table as an option. When quitting is no longer an option, all your decisions become easier. This doesn’t mean staying in an abusive or toxic relationship, but eliminating the idea of divorce can make working through tough times much more manageable.

We also touched on the importance of seeking wisdom from older couples who have been through the ups and downs of marriage. Finding mentors and asking questions can provide valuable insights and guidance as you navigate your own relationship journey.

It’s so crucial to have open and honest conversations about marriage, sex, and the realities of life together. We shared some personal stories about the challenges we faced early in our relationship and how we learned to navigate them together.

Ultimately, it’s about building a strong foundation of trust, communication, and resilience. Marriage is a journey filled with highs and lows, but with dedication and a willingness to work through the tough times, the rewards can be truly fulfilling.

So, if you’re in a committed relationship or thinking about tying the knot, remember to always keep excavating for treasure, take divorce off the table as an option, seek wisdom from older couples, and have open and honest conversations about your expectations and challenges.

Thanks for tuning in to Ron and Hope Unfiltered. We hope this conversation has provided some valuable insights into the world of relationships and marriage. Remember, it’s all about love, communication, and a willingness to work through the ups and downs together. Until next time, stay strong and love well.