Hey guys its Hope here! Today’s podcast was so powerful and inspiring. It was amazing to hear Heather’s journey of rest and how it has transformed her life. She shared about how difficult it was for her to take a sabbatical and rest, but how necessary it was for her healing and growth.

I resonated with her struggle of identity being wrapped up in what she did rather than who she was in Christ. It’s a common struggle for many of us, but through her season of rest, she was able to find her true identity in God.

I was also touched by her vulnerability in sharing about her family reunions and healing relationships with both her birth dad and adopted dad. It’s incredible how God can bring restoration and healing in the most unexpected ways.

One of the key takeaways from this podcast was the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people during seasons of rest. Heather shared how important it was to have friends like Ron and Hope who supported and encouraged her through her journey. It’s a reminder to choose relationships wisely and to be there for others in their time of need.

I love the analogy of rest being like a second chance. Just like a scar that heals over time, rest allows us to repair and restore ourselves for the next chapter of our lives. It’s not about taking a break or sleeping in, but about going back to a prior state and fixing the broken places in our hearts and lives.

I am so encouraged and inspired by Heather’s story, and I am excited to implement the principles of rest in my own life. Thank you, Heather, for sharing your journey and for reminding us of the power of rest.

Thank you for tuning in today and remember, rest is not an event, it’s a lifestyle. Let’s prioritize our relationship with God and allow Him to repair and restore us for the incredible journey ahead. Stay blessed and see you in the next podcast.