Hey everyone, it’s Ron here, flying solo today without Hope. I know, I know, she’s the prettier one and the more exciting one to listen to, but today I wanted to share something that’s been weighing on my heart for a while.

I’m tired of the constant focus on success teachings. The messages about how to be successful, the success coaches, the success conferences – it’s all just too much for me. Success is great, don’t get me wrong, but I believe there’s something even more important than success, and that’s significance.

There’s a difference between accumulating stuff and actually making a difference in people’s lives. I’d rather have someone come up to me and say that something I said years ago changed their life than have a billion dollars in my bank account. That feeling of value and significance means more to me than any amount of success.

Success is important, sure, but significance is what truly matters. And in order to achieve significance, you need structure in your life. Discipline is key. Highly skilled people with zero discipline end up achieving nothing, while those who build structure around their gifts can make a massive impact.

I’ve seen this firsthand in my own life. I may not be perfect, but I strive to have discipline in all areas of my life. It’s not about waiting to be inspired or motivated – it’s about making a decision to be disciplined, no matter what.

I have set boundaries and structures in place in my life that guide my decisions and actions. These boundaries help me stay focused on my goals and not get distracted by temporary pleasures or temptations.

As a Christian, I believe that discipline is essential in living a purposeful life. It’s not about being perfect, but about constantly striving to be better and make a positive impact on those around you.

Remember, you do not rise to the level of your vision, you fall to the level of your system. If your system is lacking structure and discipline, you’ll struggle to achieve your vision. So, take a look at your life and see where you can implement more structure and discipline to reach your goals.

I hope this message resonates with you and encourages you to start building structure in your own life for success and significance. Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, stay disciplined and focused on your goals. God bless.