Hey everyone, it’s Ron here and I want to talk to you about the importance of character, accountability, and having a vision in being a man that is easy to submit to and respect.

During the podcast with my wife Hope, we were discussing what makes a man truly great. We talked about how character is the foundation of a man’s greatness. Character is not just about doing the right things, but also about being true to your beliefs, words, and actions. It’s about being integrated and consistent in all aspects of your life.

Accountability is another key aspect of being a great man. Men are prone to rebellion, and having someone to hold you accountable can help keep you on the right path. For me, Hope is my accountability partner and I trust her with everything, even my phone passcode.

Lastly, having a vision is essential for a man to lead his household well. A man without a vision is like a ship without a compass. Having a vision for your family, your career, and your life can inspire and motivate you to strive for greatness.

I believe that by focusing on developing your character, being accountable, and having a vision, you can become a man that is easy to follow and respect. It’s not about being perfect, but about being willing to grow and improve every day.

So, men, let’s strive to be men of character, accountability, and vision. Let’s lead our households with integrity and purpose, and let’s be the kind of men that our families can look up to and respect.

Until next time, stay true to yourself and keep striving for greatness.