Hey everyone, it’s Ron and Hope. We are here with another unfiltered, real, raw, and relevant podcast. Today we have some exciting news to share – Pastor Ron recently hit 100,000 subscribers on YouTube and received a silver award from them. It was a surprising and humbling moment for me, and I want to thank each and every one of you for your support.

But today, we are here to talk about a topic that can make people nervous – divorce. It’s a topic that has affected many in our community, both in and outside of the church. Divorce can be devastating and damaging, and we want to shed some light on the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of it.

In our own marriage, we have faced challenges and struggles, including a period of separation. It was a dark and difficult time for both of us, but we made a decision to work through our issues and find healing and restoration in God. It wasn’t easy, and it took a lot of hard work, but we were committed to making it work.

We learned that in order to move forward, we needed to let go of the traumas and hurts from our past and not let them drive our decision-making. It’s crucial to address any unresolved issues and emotions before entering into a new relationship, or you may find yourself in the same place again.

We also talked about how God can bring about miracles in our relationships when we put in the hard work and trust in Him. We experienced some defining moments in our marriage that felt like miracles, and we believe that God can do the same for you if you are willing to put in the effort.

Divorce is not the end of the road. There is hope for healing, restoration, and a new beginning. But it requires honesty, hard work, and a willingness to confront difficult emotions and issues. We encourage you to seek counsel, support, and guidance as you navigate through this challenging time.

Thank you for tuning in to our podcast. Stay tuned for more episodes where we share our journey, struggles, and triumphs in the hopes of inspiring and encouraging others going through similar experiences. Remember, there is always hope and a way forward. Let’s tackle these tough topics together and keep striving for growth and healing in our relationships.

Until next time, this is Ron and Hope signing off. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Stay strong, stay hopeful, and remember that you are never alone.