Hey everyone, it’s Hope here, and I wanted to share with you a little bit about a recent conversation I had with Dr. Sandra Luyindula and my husband Ron. We were talking about the upcoming holidays, specifically Thanksgiving, and how it can be a time of both joy and stress for many people.

Dr. Sandra shared some insights about how the changing weather during the holidays can affect our mood, as well as the pressures and expectations that come with the season. We talked about how holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, but for some, they can be a time of increased depression and anxiety.

One thing that really stuck with me from our conversation was the importance of taking care of our mental health during the holidays. Dr. Sandra emphasized the need for an integrated approach to health, considering the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our well-being. She mentioned the importance of seeking help from medical professionals, therapists, and counselors if needed, and not feeling ashamed or stigmatized for doing so.

As a parent, Dr. Sandra also highlighted the importance of taking care of ourselves so that we can better support our children, especially during times of mental challenges. And she stressed the value of community and honesty in seeking help and healing.

Overall, our conversation reminded me of the importance of prioritizing our mental health, especially during the busy and sometimes stressful holiday season. It’s okay to seek help, to take care of ourselves, and to make the necessary investments in our well-being. We all deserve to live a life of abundance and joy, and that starts with taking care of ourselves.

So, as we approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season, let’s remember to prioritize our mental health, seek help if needed, and lean on our community for support. Let’s choose to live a life of abundance and joy, and to be thankful for all the blessings we have in our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all, and may you find peace, joy, and healing during this season.

With love, Hope.