Hey there, it’s Ron and Hope here, and can you believe we are already in season three of our podcast? Yep, we have done about four hundred episodes so far, but who’s counting, right? Hope has been under the weather lately, and it seems like I caught her cold. But hey, it was worth it for that kiss, right?

We’ve been traveling a lot, from California to the East Coast, and it seems like every time we come to the East Coast, we end up getting sick. Maybe it’s the different climates or atmospheres, who knows? But despite feeling under the weather, I am still super excited about what we’re going to talk about today.

We love to laugh and joke around, but today, we want to get a bit more serious and talk about the spiritual side of things. We believe that God has led us to focus on preparing for an open Heaven this year. Now, for those of you who may not be familiar with what that means, an open Heaven signifies a time and space where God’s presence is more accessible and blessings flow abundantly.

We want to focus on what it means to operate under an open Heaven and the protocols that need to be followed to access it. There are keys, like Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry, that play a crucial role in unlocking the blessings of an open Heaven.

But it’s not just about preaching or teaching, it’s about creating an atmosphere where people can experience the power and presence of God. We need to bring back the importance of hosting God in our churches, rather than just focusing on hosting people. When the people and the leaders are in unity, amazing things can happen.

One key aspect we touched upon is the significance of praise and worship. It’s not just about singing songs or playing music, but about facilitating a move of God. When everyone comes together in the same spirit of praise and worship, an open Heaven is created, and miracles happen.

We also touched upon the importance of tithing and offering, and how it is essential for the collective to be in unity in order to receive the blessings of an open Heaven. Everyone needs to be on the same page and operating under the same principles for the full measure of Christ to be manifested.

We shared some personal stories and experiences that have shaped our beliefs and practices. We talked about the need for Bible study and understanding the deeper spiritual truths that can only be revealed through wisdom and revelation.

We also mentioned some exciting events coming up, like a free mastermind session with some amazing guests like Dr. Sam Chan, Real Talk Kim, and John Maxwell. And let’s not forget about the upcoming marriage conference, where we will delve deeper into the spiritual aspects of marriage.

So, if you’re looking to dive deeper into the spiritual side of things and experience the power of an open Heaven, stay tuned to our podcast and social media platforms. We’re excited to journey with you as we explore what it means to operate under an open Heaven and experience the miracles and blessings that come with it.

Until next time, it’s Ron and Hope unfiltered, real, raw, and always relevant. Stay blessed!