In this week’s WORDS conversation, we cover the process of a Miracle. We often want immediate blessings (increase, healing, freedom from fill-in-the-blank). But God’s process prepares us for the miracle and often takes longer than we expect. This grows our faith, maturity, and attitude and sustains the blessing. He will do whatever is necessary to prepare us for our desired blessings. Let’s get started!  



  1. The Timeline of a Miracle:  

Let’s compare today’s society with God’s society (The Kingdom) and our timeline with His.  

The World’s Society God’s Kingdom 
Instant / On Demand Longer/Slower Process 
Instant Gratification Character Development 
Drive Through Oven-Baked 
Instant Gratification Character Development 
Immature Faith Creating Mature Believers 
Immediate Miracles (shorter timeline) Sustained Blessing (short & long timelines) 


📖 Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 

  • God is not obligated to conform to our expectations or timelines. He can move IMMEDIATELY but often brings miracles through PROCESS. 


  • How might the “working of a miracle” be an arduous process? (Arduous: involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult and tiring.) 
  • What process have you endured to prepare for a blessing you currently enjoy? 
  1. God is with us in our Low Place:  

If God doesn’t move quickly, we can easily think that God has forgotten us or “failed” us somehow. But God works in mysterious ways, and is with us, in our low places.  

📖 Scripture: Genesis 37-50 (The Story of Joseph) 

Watch this Bible Project video for an overview of Joseph  

📖 Scripture: Romans 8:28  


  • What part of Joseph’s story resonates with you? (Family Betrayal, Scandal, Prison, Delayed Dream, etc.) 
  • How does his story encourage you?  
  1. Healthy Fruit requires Healthy Soil.  

The kingdom is hidden and we must pursue it. My pursuit + the health of my soil (heart) determines how much of the kingdom will manifest in my life.  


📖 Scripture: Mark 4: 1-9; 10-25 

  • There is a 1 in 4 chance that seed (God’s word) will take root in our hearts and bear fruit.  


  • Would you characterize your heart as “good soil?” Is it healthy or are there stony areas preventing God’s word from taking root?  
  • Do I have the infrastructure (healthy habits, relationships, and physical health) to sustain my miracle? 
  1. Working the Word & Guarding Our Hearts  

Working the word requires getting seed (God’s word) into good soil (of our heart).  


📖 Scripture: Psalms 1:1-4  📖 Scripture: Prov. 4: 20-23 


  • How do these verses challenge your approach to “working the word” as a spiritual practice? 
  • Guarding our hearts requires monitoring our input (eyes and ears),  and our output (mouth). How can you more effectively guard your heart? 



God’s process is equipping us for the miracle ahead. The waiting period between seeds and their ultimate fruit grows our faith, maturity, and attitudes. This infrastructure sustains the blessing of God in our lives. Are you waiting for a miracle God has promised you in His word? Don’t get discouraged. Use the waiting time to cultivate a healthy heart, habits, and relationships that will sustain your blessing. Remember, God’s timing is perfect, and He will never bless you with something you cannot sustain. Take the downtime to prepare for your NEXT BLESSING!  


CHALLENGE: Let’s commit to waiting well by cultivating our hearts and habits for the miracle we desire.  

PERSONAL CHALLENGE: When you feel discouraged, actively guard your heart by watching what you see, hear, and say.