Pastor Ron Carpenter Jr’s message “Toxic Talk – Pt. 2” explores how God’s intention for His people is freedom—not just physical liberation but complete mental and spiritual freedom. Just as the Hebrews needed direction after their physical release from slavery, we too need guidance to embrace the abundant life Christ died to give us fully. In this week’s discussion, we learn how iniquity can travel through generations not only through actions but through spoken words. These verbal curses create destructive cycles that can affect families for generations. Let’s learn how to turn our toxic talk and unlock the freedom God always intended for us. Let’s get started!



#1. God’s Original Intent: His First Commandments

  • In Exodus, God takes the Hebrew people on a journey to free their minds after 200 years of slavery.
  • They were no longer slaves, but they were NOT FREE (mentally, physically, habits)
  • Similarly, we can be saved and not operate in the freedom that Christ has died for (John 10:10, Gal. 5:1)
  • 📖Scripture: Exodus 20, John 10:10, Gal. 5:1
  • Questions:
    • What do these scriptures tell us of the life God intends for us?
    • Why were the 10 commandments necessary for the Hebrews after slavery?


#2. Iniquity, Blessings, and Curses?

  • Iniquity is defined as gross injustice or wickedness. It is a “bent-ness” a desire for something other than God.
  • Iniquity can travel through our bloodline through sinful acts and by words (curses).
  • We must be careful about the iniquity we sow because they can be revisited up to the 3rd and 4th generations.
  • 📖Scripture: Numbers 30,
  • Questions:
    • What role should fathers, heads of household, and husbands play in renouncing curses and releasing blessings?
    • What curse cycles do you see recurring in your family? (ex: poor decisions, addictions, poverty, abuse)


#3. The Power of God can break the cycle of Iniquity

  • We were not meant to pass along curses, we were meant to pass along blessings.
  • Both blessings and curses (iniquity) occur in cycles. Imagine what would happen if we broke the iniquity over our lives and spoke curses over our family instead.
  • Questions:
    • What cycles is the Holy Spirit highlighting that need to be broken in your life?
    • How does this conversation about iniquity, blessings, and curses change your perspective of your ability to break negative family cycles?



No matter the challenges we faced, or curses spoken over us in childhood, we can renounce and break them. But how do we do it?

  1. Renounce the word curses spoken
  2. Apply the blood of Jesus to them
  3. Break their authority from persisting any longer
  4. Receive & Release God’s blessing over the areas previously cursed

When we stand in our God-given authority, we can break the cycle of curses and plant seeds of blessings that will be produced for generations to come. Imagine how this cycle can bless our future family!

Individual Challenge: Identify unhealthy cycles/curses persisting in your family. (ie. Divorce, Alcoholism, Addictions, Poverty, Abuse, Unhealthy lifestyle choices)
Group Challenge: This week’s conversation could be heavy for some, close out this week’s meeting with a prayer covering inviting the Holy Spirit in. Prayer points to include:

  • Illuminate the cycles He wants to break
  • Guidance toward biblical blessings to replace curses spoken over us.
  • Ask for His strength and grace to be on each group member
  • Plead the Blood of Jesus over the group as they do this important work.

For Additional Healing & Freedom Resources, check out the links below: