This week in the “Words” series, Pastor Ron reviews how the world was created by God’s word and that this series isn’t about “positive speaking and manifesting”. It’s about glory being revealed in us… not our present circumstances. How can we steward and emulate His uncontainable Glory?
Romans 8
1 Corinthians 11
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Matthew 8: 19-22
Psalm 4:2
1. There are Levels of Glory – (Romans 8) “ …The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory…”
• Affliction, suffering, and struggle are pathways to new levels of glory.
• How can we view our “dilemmas” as “God’s opportunities”?
• When we are in season’s we feel He abandoned us in our struggle, what does the Bible say is happening?
• Pastor Ron illustrates using the silence of a teacher during a test- this is a time for Him to evaluate what you learned, allow you to use your words/glory gifted you from your experiences, and ‘level up’ in your ability to move through and out of the suffering.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
-Why do we have hope in these difficult seasons?
-Discuss: Temporary afflictions give long-term weights of glory.
2. Glory to Shame – Read Psalm 4:2
Review: The glory of a king is the authority/essence of a king. When you are within proximity of a king, you start seeing his glory. His glory is revealed in how those who serve conduct themselves…(Pastor Ron)
• “Shaming a king is when a king has been misrepresented.” Last week we learned that “man is the glory of God” … 1 Cor. 11.
• What does your life say about your King? (ex. Is your King short- tempered, unable to manage money, can’t control emotions…)
• For our words to work, we have to carry the glory of the King. If our lives misrepresent who He is, our words will fall to the ground.
• Do you feel that your words impact those you speak with?
• Is the room waiting for what you have to say? If you aren’t carrying the weight of that glory, why? And what else are you presenting?
3. Surrender your life – Read Matt. 8:19-22
• The scribe said “I will follow you wherever you go” as he watched Jesus exercising His glory. Discuss Jesus’ response to him.
• God needs a place in the earth to rest His ‘headSHIP’, His glory. What sacrifices will this require of us to be able and available to do this?
This can be a difficult teaching for those who want to comfortably operate as believers. But it is a masterful challenge to those who want ‘level up’ – to carry the weight of His glory; changing atmosphere’s where we step, expecting miracles in faith, and modeling the excellence of the integrity of the King we represent.
-What areas in your life can you now see as opportunities for God to strengthen your faith and elevate your glory weight?
-How can you speak life into the places you cursed with this new understanding?
• Take time to repent if this applies
Personal Challenge: For the next week, keep a journal documenting:
• Moments when you choose to speak life and authority (continued)
• Areas you felt abandoned and seeing them as opportunities
• Reflections on how sacrifice and humility are making you a better carrier of His presence (glory) in how you represent the Kingdom