This week in the “Words” series, Pastor Ron reminds us of our dominion being made in God’s image. Instead of ruling our world with our works, the earth was meant to respond to our WORDS. Let’s dive into this discussion, gain clarity on our authority, and tap back into our divine design as given in Genesis. It’s time to activate the power of our Words, let’s get started!


2 Corinthians 4:16-18

John 4:24

Psalm 8:1-9

Genesis 2:19

Romans 8:19-22


1. Understanding Kingdom and Authority–This week,we wer ereminded that we serve a king and live in a kingdom. This is far from the code of conduct that religions of the world oIer. A few Kingdom principles to consider:

-God is a conqueror (a King) and wants to expand his rule over the earth.

-A Kingdom is an extension of the King’s rulership. Heaven is under God’s rulership and the Earth is under man’s.

-Glory is a king’s weight, substance, and his authority. A king’s likeness and the essence of who he is. God’s glory is revealed in his creation.

Read Psalm 8:1-9.

-What does it mean to be “crowned with God’s glory” in practical, everyday terms?

-How does the biblical kingdom concept diIer from traditional religious understanding of spiritual life?

Psalm 8:1-9 Gen. 2:19 Rom. 8:19-22

2. The Power of Spoken Words-Pastor Ron emphasizes that”everything in life follows the sound we make.” Meaning, we are in dominion of our world and can rule our environment with our words.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 & John 4:24

-Share an experience where you’ve seen the transformative power of intentional, faith-filled speech.

-How can you become more intentional about speaking life, possibility, and God’s kingdom into challenging situations?

-If words are spirit in nature (2 Cor. 4:16-18), what spiritual responsibility does this place on us as believers?

3. Spiritual Dominion and Partnership-The heavens and earth were meant to operate TOGETHER – in tandem. Just as the Lord has dominion over the heavens, Man was meant to rule his world with his words, not his works.

-In what areas of your life do you feel you’ve been passive instead of taking spiritual authority?

-How can you more actively collaborate with God’s will and take a more proactive stance with you with your spiritual walk?


Instead of opting into the world’s religious systems, we have a responsibility as kingdom citizens to step into our God-given, spiritual authority. We often allow our mindsets and temporary circumstances to limit our speech and therefore, our power. We must speak in faith and embrace the creative power our words carry.

– What mindsets or beliefs have limited your understanding of spiritual dominion?

– What specific situations (spiritual, personal, professional) can you speak God’s kingdom into existence?

– Personal Challenge: For the next week, keep a journal documenting:

– Moments when you consciously choose to speak life and authority

– Observations of how your words shifted atmospheres or perspectives

Reflections on feeling and exercising spiritual dominion