When your world is upside down and you desperately need a turnaround, what do you do? Pastor Ron has been walking us through the process of understanding this. We must learn from the pain, make peace and take responsibility to sow for our future harvest. Through that, God will also place people around you who are key instruments in progressing your future. The challenge is are we going to receive to them?


Ruth 3:1-5

Galatians 4:1-2

Matthew 10:40-41

Romans  13:14

Philippians 2:5-11

Ephesians 4:22-24

Isaiah 26:3

Mark 5:25-34


Let’s talk about it…

1. Receiving things from people you trust, love or admire can be easy. Take a moment and think about how you would receive from someone who, you know struggles with certain things, or their flaws bother you.

-How do you receive them?

-How do you think you may need to shift to apply Matthew 10:40-42.

2. We’ve heard the story of Ruth and Naomi a few times now. We understand that Naomi was a ‘mentor’ voice for Ruth. We understand God will put voices in your life to release blessing. Ruth’s obedience (choice) to listen to Naomi’s voice, her mentor, took Ruth into a total 180 in her life.

-Where are you today in this story?

-How have you moved closer to obedience?

-What things are you actively doing to be obedient?

3. When you have a vision, the reason the Lord writes to “Make It Plain” is so people can run with you or so you can run with others who have a vision.

-Think about your life, who in your life can you identify as people to help you run?

-Are you receiving them? How can you honor them?

-If you can’t identify anyone yet, are you receiving them and honoring them in prayer until God reveals them?

4. When Jesus walks into a room, he represents both man and God. Pastor explained this in the story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42)

-How do you find you respond? Do you see more of yourself in Martha (doing) or in Mary (worshipping)?

-Pastor spoke on his own experience of being perceived in a way where he wasn’t regarded. Share an experience where you’ve felt this way.


Making these shifts can be a hard reality. Every Christian who walks into your life you get to choose how you regard them or receive them.

Remind your group:

The Principle of Representation: God can come packaged as someone else. He doesn’t always look like God.

-Think of Jesus and how he was/is a Savior, King or Prophet… as a baby, as a kid, as a carpenter, as a preacher, as someone who they see being crucified.

-Think of when you serve at church and how you represent Jesus to others.

-Think of how your Life Group leader, right now, is a representation of Jesus.

Encourage Your Group:

The woman at the well, the Samaritan, didn’t receive Jesus at first. She saw him as a Jew who always disrespected Samaritans YET she became the first evangelist!

-Your perception can shift!

-God will wait on you!

Challenge Your Group:

-Be aware in how you are recognizing when God walks into the room

-To choose to regard the people who walk into your life by God’s purpose whether or not they fit your perception

-Pray and ask God this week to give you discernment in seeing the people he places in your life