Hey everyone! Hope here, and I’m buzzing with excitement after our latest podcast episode. If you’ve been following Ron and me, you know we’re all about real, raw, and relevant conversations. And let me tell you, this week was a whirlwind! Seriously, I can hardly keep up with all the incredible things happening, especially at Redemption. I mean, over 500 people made the life-changing choice to give their lives to Jesus! How amazing is that? It makes my heart swell to think about so many souls being yanked from darkness into light.

We’ve been juggling our time between the East and West Coast, which has been a challenge, especially with a new facility opening on the East Coast. I’ve never remodeled a building from 2,200 miles away before! Talk about an adventure, right? Between that and everything else going on, we squeezed in some time to podcast, which is where I love to share thoughts and feelings with all of you.

Speaking of feelings, you might catch us in some light-hearted banter at the beginning of our episodes. But eventually, we dive into the deep stuff! This time, we talked about something I’m sure many of you can relate to: those moments when you look up to the heavens and wonder, “God, where are you?” You know, when it feels like heavens are brass, and you just can’t hear Him? It’s frustrating, especially when you’re trying your hardest to follow His lead!

One thing I’ve learned is that our daily lives are filled with noise. There are so many distractions pulling our attention away from tuning into that Spirit-led life. But here’s the thing—when we step back, align ourselves with God’s peace, and cut out the clutter, we open the door for His voice to break through.

And hey, I’ve gotta say, Ron has a perspective that resonates with me. He views God’s guidance like a navigation system. There are times when life seems like a long highway with no turns or signs. Those moments can feel unnerving, right? But what he reminded us is that when we’re on the right path, we just need to keep driving forward. If there’s a turn ahead, God will definitely speak up!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ignored those gut feelings. You know—when you feel a little off about a decision? More often than not, that’s the Holy Spirit trying to guide me away from something I might regret later. I’ve learned the hard way that ignoring that inner voice can lead to a mess!

Something else that stood out during our conversation was the importance of connecting with God on a personal level. It’s easy to become dependent on others to hear from God for us, but each of us has the Spirit of God within us, ready to guide us. We have to seek that one-on-one relationship instead of just grabbing hold of someone else’s prophetic word.

I may not always have clear answers, but I know that when I truly seek Him, I’ll receive the guidance I need. And when I don’t seem to hear anything? Well, I just keep doing what I know is right until I’m given direction. It’s all about finding that peace amidst the chaos, and that has been my biggest takeaway.

Thanks for tuning in, and I hope you found some nuggets of wisdom from our latest chat! I can’t wait to connect with you all in our next episode. Until then, keep pursuing that relationship with God, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need encouragement or guidance. Catch you later!