Hey everyone, it’s Hope! I can finally say, guess who’s back? It’s been a while—three podcasts, to be exact! Not that I was counting, but life got a little overwhelming. So, here I am, back to chat with you all about the crazy journey of the last few months.

To give you a little backstory, in late June, my mom had to be rushed to the hospital because her heart was acting up. Turns out, she had two valves that weren’t doing their job, which led to open-heart surgery and installing a defibrillator. If you’re doing the math, yes—four surgeries in total! This girl was trying to keep her head above water while also juggling moving my parents into an assisted living facility they hadn’t even seen. Talk about a whirlwind!

I honestly don’t know how I managed it all! Every day was a marathon: driving my dad around since he couldn’t drive, unpacking boxes, setting up their new place, and just hoping my mom would come home to a cozy, familiar setting. I tried my hardest to recreate their home environment in the new space, so it would feel as comforting as possible. And, thankfully, she’s heading home today!

Having been in my 50s, I’ve noticed that caring for both my kids and my aging parents has really changed my perspective. It’s this unique time when you feel like you’re living in two different worlds, trying to nurture and support both ends of the spectrum. It’s exhausting, to say the least! Yet, it’s also so rewarding.

Ron and I have often discussed how patience seems to be a lost art form these days. I look back and realize that growing up fast taught us both some deep lessons about life, decisions, and, yes, waiting. We’ve spent our lives hoping for quick fixes or immediate results, only to find that sometimes, waiting is where the real growth happens.

Ron and I had this deep conversation about how waiting doesn’t mean being inactive; it’s about positioning ourselves for the blessings that are headed our way. Like when we were looking for a new church building. We had to wait and be patient, even when the stress of managing everything clouded our immediate vision. But you know what? It all worked out beautifully, and I couldn’t have been more thankful for the timing.

I think this will resonate with a lot of you out there. Everyone finds themselves waiting for something—be it growth, healing, or just a peaceful moment amidst chaos. It can be tough, but it’s during these waiting seasons that we often learn the most about ourselves, our faith, and the world around us.

I realized that venting and expressing frustration is natural, but it’s crucial to do it in a constructive way—like turning to God instead of complaining. It’s actually freeing to have those moments outside on the porch, sharing my feelings honestly.

So if you’re in a waiting season or feeling overwhelmed, just know you’re not alone! There’s beauty in the process, and like Ron always says, God is never late; He’s always right on time—even if our timelines don’t match up.

I’m so grateful to be back and to share these moments with you. Let’s embrace patience together! Until next time, take care and don’t forget to comment below—I’d love to hear your stories!